Chapter 30

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"....____?" A whisper ushered out of the young girl's mouth. Sitting in the middle of the road, she could feel the roughness of the asphalt concrete. 

The van's front was stained with blood.

The young girl couldn't see anything else besides her severely bleeding friend next to her. Unable to even move her body as most of her bones were broken from the impact.

The girl's eyes filled with tears, she clumsy scrambled over to her dying friend. Not even taking notice of the blood flowing from her friend's wound, staining the road beneath her. 

Her hands trembled as she reached out to check her friend's condition. Once again, she whispered, "____?" 

There was no answer. Until suddenly, she saw her friend opening her eyes weakly. "Es...Esto.." She couldn't even say her name properly.

"Ye..Yes?" Her words stuttered. In all her life, she had never stuttered once.

"Li..Live…" That was what she said, and the last word she had heard uttered from her friend's mouth.

The only person who reached out to become friends with her as her peers thought of her as eccentric, the one who taught her morals and kept her company all the time. Her best friend.

And she died. All because of her…?

If only she had noticed that the van was coming straight at her, maybe it wouldn't be like this now.

But alas, it was.

And that day, that was the day her only friend died. Her dying words left an imprint on her. Her death severely traumatized her, causing her to have a shock, cutting off the memories she had with her friend. 

Entirely. To save her from the mental breakdown she would have received if it were to stay.


"Urgh..." Estorea's eyes fluttered open. "My head hurts... Ow...." She whined softly as she forced herself to sit up.

Rubbing the side of her head, she checked out her surroundings. She was in an extravagant guest room and was lying down on the sofa.

She got up carefully, stabilizing herself and made a beeline to the two wooden double doors which seemed to be the exit.

Without hesitation, she pushed it open and got greeted by an elegant and sophisticated looking maid. "Please follow me, Miss." She said.

Estorea nodded, and the maid led her down the fancy hall, there were countless priceless paintings and objects. It seems this kingdom was extremely wealthy considering they could put such precious things in the hallways as decorations. 

Soon, they reached another pair of wooden doors, the maid walked up to it and gave three light knocks. "This servant has brought your majesty's guest here." And then went to stand by the side of the door as it swung open. 

Estorea headed inside, and the door shut behind her. She took a good look around the room.

It was a large study room, with two bookcases lining the side of the room, filled to the brim with books.

A sofa and coffee table was seen in the upper middle and a huge desk was seen beyond the sofa. 

There was an arc window behind the desk, sunlight streaming through it.

"Done admiring my study?" A deep, baritone voice interrupted her thoughts. 

Estorea turned to look at the direction of the voice and saw a handsome young man.

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