Chapter 19

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With silent footsteps, Estorea carefully made her way further down the hall.

Her eyes constantly darted everywhere, checking for any signs of movements and shadows.

She held in her breath, nervous. As she slowly continued to walk further. It seemed too easy, and she didn't like it one bit.

This kind of 'easy' situations always had a bad ending. Maybe, it won't happen in reality, hopefully?

Sigh, it was useless trying to pray to something as hope, does a hope god even exist? It just reminded her of that show she really liked... Danganronpa.

Oh well, back to matters and reality.

As Estorea contained on her venture, eventually, she saw two human figures shrouded in a dim light by a candle.

She paused in her footsteps, and observed them. They don't seem to be moving.

A though came to her head, 'No way... Are they, asleep...?'

To confirm her observations, she took a step closer, and just as she concluded, they were asleep.

Wow, what responsible guards.

Now, this just made it far too easy, what's the point of her preparing the poison if she got this wonderful gift delivered right to her doorstep?

Still, she still should... Knock them out unconscious completely.

She can only hope that they don't notice their unusual state when they woke up.

If it all goes well, let's just wish they were stupid.

At a slow and cautious pace, Estorea bend down and took out the kept handkerchief stained with the poison, reaching out to the guard's face, with swift movements, she pressed the handkerchief gently on his face.

Making sure he wouldn't wake up and just inhale the smell of the poison and be knock out unconscious in his nap.

The guard breathed the poison in, and with expected results.

His body spammed slightly, before it stopped.

Estorea gently reach out her hand and slap his face lightly. There was no given reaction.

She then quickly moved onto the next guard and did the same to what she had done to the first one.

After checking that they're fully unconscious, she arranged their bodies to make it seem like they're in a sleeping position and stood up once she was finished, dusting her pants along the way.

Walking up to the door, her hand gripped the doorknob. She took a deep breath, and she turned it.

The door opened to the Study, and Estorea stepped in, closing the door behind her with a click.


The study was completely shrouded in darkness. Barely anything could be seen, and Estorea was forced to light up a candle she had found, in order to see.

She didn't want to use any source of light that could attract attention, but it seems like that's not happening.

Moving on, she walked towards the desk, she looked at the stack of papers on the desk, and placed down the candle on the desk and picking up the stack of papers, hurriedly shuffling through it.

A short while later, she put it down. It appears like it doesn't contain any information that she needed.

Leaving the candle on the table, she walk over to the filled bookshelves, brimming with a mix of countless files and books.

Estorea let out a sigh by just looking at it, 'This is going to take a while... I better start now.' 

Without any other thoughts, she quickly started searching through the files and books.

[3 hours and 45 minutes later]

"Alright, onto the 75th file..." Estorea muttered, as she untied the string and opened the paper file.

Inside it, there was numerous papers inside. Estorea took them out carefully, and started looking through it.

As she read the first line, her hand trembled. {Military Reports}

'This must be the one...' She thought, and continued reading further ahead.

And just about 30 minutes later, she finally finished reading and kept the papers, putting the file back in its original spot and making sure nothing was out of place.

Estorea had a victory smile on her face, what she had just read, gave her a summary and overlook of how this country's military worked.

And soon, she is gonna exploit that military strategy to save herself.

Was it selfish? Indeed it was.

But, humans are build that way.

And she didn't really desire on being granted death by getting her head chopped off with an axe. Sounds horrifying, really.

And with that, Estorea's mission was complete!

She could finally head back, rest and act like a proper candidate.

"Well, I ought to hurry up. It's gonna be morning soon."

She opened the door, stepping outside and took a look at the unconscious guard, 'They should be stirring awake soon. Better run along.'

Estorea hastened her steps, almost running, she must quickly leave.


Estorea pushed open the windows, tumbling inside as she landed on the floor.

She quickly got up, and closed the window before her.

She was being so vigilant on the way back, that even she astounded herself upon it.

"Well. I finally got all the information I needed... I can rest now..." With relief in her tone, Estorea made her way to the bathroom to wash up and change into her pyjamas.

She had to wake up early tomorrow, and sleeping at an ungodly timing such as 6:30AM, means she's gonna get quite the unsatisfactory amount of sleep.

It seems her brain isn't going to be working as efficient as it should tomorrow.

Well. It was for the greater good. For her, at the very least.

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