Chapter 42

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A week has passed, and it's almost time for Estorea's debut. Estorea was not very excited about it herself, she knew that a debut party would have never even be planned for her if it wasn't for the fact her family don't seem to be the type that bothered with their biological daughter at all.

It was just so she can go to the school her sister goes to and start being the little puppet for her dear sister.

She was currently surrounded by maids who were helping her dress up. Estorea was actually glad she didn't have to dress up herself, it's nice having people do it for you from time to time. Now that she thinks about it, she never had a personal maid, now, did she? Funny.


Estorea stepped in front of the mirror, a new look on her. Her hair curled up, shining. Her facial features looked more enhanced, having applied light make-up. She wore silk sliver gloves, with a simple necklace adorning her neck.

[Credit: @/kazanniro - Twitter]

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[Credit: @/kazanniro - Twitter]

She was dressed up in a long blue dress, slitting up from thigh down to the ankle, revealing her skin with frilly different shades of blue fabrics wrapped around up from the waist to the side of the right thigh.

As the upper body was wrapped in dark blue fabric down to the lower waist, hiding some light blue fabric with a pair of three buttons each on a side going down from the lower chest to the abdomen.

A white choker made from fabric was attached to the dress with a white frilly fabric hanging down, exposing her shoulders, joined by a collar which was attached from the white frilly hung down.

'This took hours to put on... What a troublesome design.' Estorea thought, sighing internally. The maids looked all proud of themselves, it seems like most of them enjoyed dressing their employers up and seeing the end result.

"What does Young Miss think?" A maid asked, her hands clasped together as her eyes sparkled brightly. Estorea felt her body move on her own once again, a smile graced her lips as she thanked the maids gratefully for their hard work. Originally, Estorea had turned into a nice person the moment she was brought her.

Estorea had concluded that this must be a facade in order not to be kicked out, it looks like the original Estorea was aware of that happening and thus, acted like the nicest person ever to exist.

It's unfortunate, in the end, she still got used and died. How sad.

A knock was heard on the door, "Come in." Estorea said, the door opened, revealing a butler. He bowed down slightly, "Young Miss, it's time for your debut. The Master has asked me to escort you down to the ball." Estorea nodded, and approached the butler, he raised his gloved hand and Estorea placed her hand in his.

They walked down the hallway, soon reaching the big double doors. The butler knocked on it, and the doors swung open slightly. As they walked further down, Estorea looks down to see many people. Pairs of eyes scrutinized her, as whispers can be heard from the crowd.

She felt her hand squeezing the hand of the butler for comfort, who reacted with surprise, before gaining back his composure, understanding the situation.

A feeling of relief could be felt as she gave a smile to the crowd, they walk down the stairs, the butler then let go of her hand, as he bowed slightly to her before walking away.

Estorea stood nervously, being the centre of attention, her eyes scanned the crowd before she finally found a familiar figure.

She immediately scampered over to her sister. A look of joy on her face as she enthusiastically greeted her sister, who was chatting with other women.

"Sister Yula!" She called out happily. Yula turned around and saw Estorea. "Hello Estorea, how are you?" Yula gave off an aura of being a kind and gentle person. Her outfit was a white, flowy, drop-waist dress with small diamonds imbued in them, the end of her dress had blue frills, and she was wearing pale blue ballet flats. A silver necklace with a star charm also adorned her neck. Her caramel waist-length hair in a waterfall braid, with a little silk white bow attached on a braid.

However, her teal eyes gave off a different feeling.


Estorea flinched slightly, she blinked again, seeing nothing like scorn in her sister's eyes.

"Oh my, is this your younger sister, Lady Yula?" A voice interrupted, Estorea turned to see a pale-skinned beautiful woman, her glowing pink hair tied up in a bun, her gold eyes studying her, she was wearing a one-shoulder, tea-green dress.

"It is, this is Lady Harid, Estorea."

Estorea smiled, and curtsied, "A pleasure to meet you."

And the night began, on socialising.


Estorea stumbled onto the bed, the debut was finally over. Her body ached all over, especially her feet. She sighed, 'I need to go have a bath...'

With that in mind, she forced herself to get up to go take a shower.

After she had finished showering, Estorea made a beeline to the bed, she didn't close the curtains, the moonlight coming in, creating a beautiful scenery of her room. It seemed mystical.

'Andddd, this is the part where I start to get an existential crisis...'

Hugging her knees, Estorea pursued her lips, she hid her face, 'When will this be over? I... I just want to go back home.'

What was home even? It's like just saying the word 'home' will comfort her when she doesn't even have one. How funny.

She was so tired of everything, transmigration was really annoying, Estorea wished she wasn't chosen in the wheel of transmigration with memories.

Maybe if her memories were gone, she wouldn't find this so annoying. Who wants to know when they will die? Know that their whole life is to be ruined? To just be a puppet and extra character used for a plot in a god-damn novel? She didn't even get to rest after her death.

And adding on with the fact that Estorea was extremely afraid of dying, she didn't want to die, it was like her will was not to die and stay alive. But for what? Once this country is gone, where will she go?

'I haven't thought of that...' But despite the contradicting thought, the desire to stay alive and destroy this country was still bright and alive in her heart.

'So annoying...'


The details of the dress were written by kinmiko  (cause I'm absolutely shit at describing)
Goddess, literally tysm love 💞

Oh yeah, check out her books too <3

Nicest person you can ever meet, an absolute sweetheart.

The only downside is that she's not as horny as me for 2D men. 🥲

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