Chapter 32

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Over the span of 2 years, Estorea and Kieran had a lot of interactions with each other. When Haigu had come back from his military for a break. Estorea brought him to meet Kieran so that Kieran would know who his reliable messenger with. And Haigu did not take a liking to Kieran very well, especially with his personality which just smelled betrayal and traitor to him.

But seeing the magic contract, Haigu had no choice but to just accept Kieran with an extremely grumpy look on his face, which Kieran found quite amusing.

Meeting #1:

"Well, you have a very funny butler, Estorea. He's certainly glaring at me a lot, and the glare is filled with a lot of hatred and dislikes too! And my my, what a menacing aura! He's not going to suddenly backstab me! Is he?" Kieran asked with a teasing tone.

"I might if you don't keep that mouth shut." Haigu hissed, dropping all formalities when he heard those words. 

Estorea placed a hand on his shoulder, "Calm down, he's a valuable partner, and don't worry, we already signed a contract so he can't do anything to me." 

Haigu frowned, he took a deep breath and crossed his arms. "Yes, Young Miss." 

Estorea smiled, "Now that's what I like to see. Ah, I should fill in on why we're here. Let's all take a seat now."


Scene #2: 

"Hello, back here again." Estorea enters the room as she made a beeline for the sofa, crashing into it.

Kieran was busy, sitting behind his desk as he was filling up a document. After a while, he put down his pen and did a small stretch. "How's your day?"

"Tiring. Constantly trying to search for herbs is exhausting. Mind if I take a small nap? I'm staying here for a while anyway." 

Kieran nodded, "Sure, night." 

"Mm... Nigh..." Estorea couldn't finish her words before she fell asleep. Kieran rests his cheek on his palm, "Hah~ I think I have more work than her! Man, I wish I could also take a nap... Well, I better finish this first." Despite saying that, he stared at Estorea's face for a while more before continuing his work.


Scene #3:

A loud sigh echoed around the room. Estorea looks up from the book she had stolen off the bookshelf in Kieran's study.

Approximately, it's been a year since they met now. Their partnership has gone reasonably well, with the information coming from Haigu being trustworthy.

"What's wrong?" Estorea questioned.

"I need to meet the princess and envoy from Akrabina... And I mean, it's like a good thing. But I have so much work to do... And I have to finish all these paper piles within a week! Won't you have some sympathy for me???" Kieran whined with a heartbreaking done, gesturing to the paper piles with exaggerated actions, even placing his hands over his heart.

"..." Estorea turned away from him and continued to read her book.


"Ah, your so cold, Estorea!" Kieran sighed once again, even louder than before.

"Have fun, bro."

"Well, that didn't work out in my favour."

"Stating the obvious."

"Oh, are they coming to your study? Should I go to the guest room or something?" Estorea asked, it wouldn't hurt to assume the princess could become Kieran's fiance or one of his potential fiance candidates, it would be better if she wasn't seen lounging around his study.

If it weren't for the fact that all the employees were personally hired and chosen by Kieran himself with the approval of his father, who is off on a vacation with his concubine. There would already be rumours going around the palace and it could have soon reached outside.

But it seems that Kieran had some specially trained guards who are hidden from sight that patrols around the castle, being the ears and eyes of the prince.

This was proven to be true when someone who tried to schemed to get into the palace's treasury was immediately found, captured and tortured for information, revealing that he was affiliated with a terrorist group and that group was quickly exterminated by the prince before it could cause any trouble.

And all of this show how cruel and strict the prince was. Exactly like a tyrant that was actually good at government affairs.

Back to the situation, Estorea wanted to avoid any mishaps with the arriving princess.

"Ah, they are visiting my study..." He muttered.

"But that's okay! You don't have to go anywhere, feel free to stay here!" He said with enthusiasm.

Estorea immediately got up, "I don't trust your words, I'm gonna go now."

Kieran deflated as he pouted, sad that he didn't manage to trick her. He heard the door open and shut quickly. Resting his cheek on his palm, he sighed.

He then heard a knock on his door, "Enter." The door opened and a guard dressed in blue attire entered inside, he stood by the open door and bowed slightly, "The princess and envoy are arriving in 20 minutes."

Kieran nodded, "Alright, I got it, I got it. You're dismissed." The guard exited and closed the door.

"Guess I better go change... Oh man, I really don't wanna meet that princess." He complained as he walked to the bookcase and took out several books and stacked them up on the bookshelf.

The bookshelf silently whirred to life as it shifted to the side, revealing an opening to Kieran's room.

He walked inside, disappearing in the tunnel way as the bookshelf proceeded to go back to its original state after a few seconds he entered.


Scene #4:

Estorea walked through the gates, having arrived alone, and immediately, she was tackled from behind someone.

"?!" Estorea was about to use her elbow to hit the person in the face before she heard the familiar voice, "Estorea!"

"Kieran? What are you doing here outside?" She asked, lowering her raised arm as she pulled his arms off around her neck and turned around to see Kieran disguised in commoner's clothes? His hair and eyes a different colour, as the distinct features of his face changed, revealing an average-looking man.

"I heard you were visiting, so I came to welcome the great Estorea to my kingdom!"

"Ah... You just came to pester me, didn't you?" Estorea furrowed her eyebrows in annoyance as she rubbed the back of her neck, tired from the trip. "With decent hospitality, did you book a room? I'm exhausted as you can see."

Kieran beamed, "Of course I did! Come, come, follow me. I booked a very nice room at a great inn!"

Kieran immediately reached for Estorea's hand, which she was too tired to object as she let him lead her to the inn.

Kieran was all smiles along the way to the inn, his hand tightening around Estorea.

It seems something has developed over the year.

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