Chapter 2

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A knock could be heard, and a cheerful voice next. "Young Miss! I'm coming in!"

In came a young girl adorned in a maid outfit. She had a cheerful aura surrounding her and it seems like flowers were blooming in the air.

"Young miss? Are you still asleep?" The maid questioned as she walked closer to the bed to see a girl covered in sheets, her head buried in her pillow.

"Young miss! It's a beautiful day outside, time to get up!" The maid cheerfully said as she walked to the covered windows and pulled the curtains apart.

Immediately, Sunlight assaulted everything in its sight. Including the bed.


A groan could be heard from the bed. "Ugh... What the hell." Her voice groggy, her eyes fluttered open.

The maid gasped hearing her words, she scampered to the bed. "Why miss! You shouldn't say such vulgar words!" Scolding her.

With messy hair, the girl turns to glare at the maid. "Get out of my room."

The maid pursued her lips, she huffed and stormed outside. "Hmph! So ungrateful!"

With her presence gone, the girl on the bed rubbed her eyes. She yawned and ran her hand through her hair.

Lifting up a hand, she stared at it before lying down again, facing the ceiling.

"Reincarnation... No, it's more like transmigration."

"Is my name different now?"

She rubbed her temples in annoyance. "Ugh, I have to go ask that annoying maid. Damn it, I shouldn't have chased her out. I don't even know who I am... Such a high IQ you have, Estorea. Chasing out your only informant available to you at the moment."

Mocking herself, Estorea decided to get off the bed and explore the room. She wasn't surprised to see countless clothes and jewels. The room seems to be based in a Victorian-era period.

To her demise, there were no books. So she couldn't find any more information beyond that. Reluctantly, she called the maid back in.

The maid had an arrogant look on her face, she knew her young miss wouldn't be able to do anything by herself. She was spoilt after all.

Estorea settled herself on the chair, facing a dressing table. She look in the mirror and checked out her appearance.

In the mirror, reflected on her appearance. With straight silky, shiny raven black hair, it reached her waist. Her eyes were a shade of purple and blue and she had a small nose and thin eyebrows. With no puffy cheeks insight, overall, her face seems quite average.

At the moment, Estorea estimated the body's age to be around 10 years old.

"Maid, I'm going to be asking you some questions. You are not allowed to ask and think about it. Understand?"

The maid looks slightly confused before nodding and focusing back on her hair again.

"What's my name?"

"Estorea Vanzi, young miss."

Her eyebrows raised up in surprise, so same names? She then started to surf through her memories. There should be some character that went by this name. If possible, she could have transmigrated into a novel or game of some sort.

Looking through each memory one by one. Estorea finally stumbles upon her name, and she immediately accesses the memories near it.

She must. And needs to find out.

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