Chapter 39 [Start of Season 2]

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It's been 6 months, and over those time. Kieran didn't make any progress whatsoever, as he was too busy with the palace affairs and invitation letters that kept coming in from other kingdoms.

As for Haigu, Aelia and Yosa. They have bought a house in Gigara together and constantly do adventure's quests to sustain their living.

Meanwhile, with Estorea...

She was currently dying in the hands of her step-sister. Having being forced to attend classes for English, Maths, History, Manners and Etiquettes, Horse riding, archery, sewing and Chess(?)

Well, English, Maths, History and Chess were easy classes. Not many things were needed except for her brain which she used very well.

The only class that she was having real trouble is manners and etiquette. She found them so unreasonable, like what's the difference if you held the wine glass from the bottom instead of the middle? It makes it more stable, not make you look elegant???

However, Estorea couldn't say that and was forced to act like she was admired and enlighten upon learning these things which could have easily been picked up if the original Estorea decided she liked to live in the Library now.

Manners and Etiquettes aren't going to fucking save her if she's in danger. Estorea has to admit though, some of the classes are actually useful such as sewing.

She didn't know what to say about Archery though. She spent more times handling toy guns than a bow. And since Estorea hated exercise, she didn't do really well on horse riding and archery, in her past life, she always skipped Physical Education and sat on the sidelines. 

Thankfully, the teachers excused her from it since her grades were always high. Well, it's not like being not active would affect her much, she already exercises enough just by walking up two flights of stairs every day with a heavy bag as well as walking to school.

And the tutors that Estorea received were utter shit. They constantly belittled her and compared her to her so-called 'genius' sister. Like, how did they even qualify as teachers with that kind of attitude? So disrespectful, their words will also imprint themselves easily on a naive young mind and it will affect them for the rest of their lives.

However, Estorea couldn't resist any of these actions. She was forced to follow and say what the plot desired her to do. She really hated the author for creating a redemption book for the sister, like why not create one for her??? 

Oh yeah, she was just a used sub-villain. Who would put so much effort in writing a whole book for one little character? 

Ever since when Estorea started to read, she imagined that every character in the books was living somewhere, maybe in another universe. It seems that theory was true considering where she is now. But they're forced to live a life which they do not decide which is saddening.

Was her life also perhaps a story? Its' probably getting written right now and she was doing anything that was written. 

How unfortunate.


"Why can't you just hold the bow in the right position? Are you that stupid?" Her instructor complained and insulted her constantly.

Estorea's eyes went slightly teary but she held it in. Inside her mind, however, it was completely different. If it wasn't for the fact that she couldn't control her body right now. She would have insulted that instructor so much that he cried. 

Finally, the lesson ended.

Estorea tiredly made her way back to her room, slamming the door behind her. And finally, she could get in control of her body again. Estorea felt her body aching from every side and her arms being so sore that she couldn't lift them up. 

She shook her head in displeasure as she made her way to the bathroom to wash up.

After that, she made a beeline for the bed and laid down. Staring at the ceiling, she sighed. "Man, it would be so great if I didn't die.' Estorea closed her eyes, her eyelids drooping as she yawned. 

Eventually, she fell asleep, wanting to just escape reality for a while.


Kieran tapped his foot impatiently, his eyes showing discontent. A beautiful woman was sitting in front of him, sitting up straight, confidence emitting from her. "Well, what did you want to talk about, Miss?" Kieran asked in a polite tone. This woman in front of her was Princess Aslar from a kingdom, named Gilum. She came uninvited out of nowhere and Kieran was forced to accompany her in a hurry as an apology for not preparing anything for her. 

Kieran would have killed her right there and then on interrupting his work if it wasn't for the fact that he had an alliance with her kingdom. It was simply so annoying. He can't announce that he already had a lover when she wasn't even with him right now and he doesn't want to alert Oscilar, especially with how they won't feel very happy and refused to hand her over.

So it was utterly useless, he wanted their guard to be down so he can snatch Estorea away from them.

"Kieran?" Aslar spoke, snapping Kieran out of his thoughts. He sighed, "Please do not refer me to my first name, it makes me uncomfortable, I'm afraid." Aslar pouted and pursued her lips, "Then what should I call you then?" She asked, bringing the teacup to her lips. 

"Perhaps Sir, like how I refer to you by Miss due to formalities," Kieran answered. Aslar raised an eyebrow and smirked, "Why don't we get closer than so we can drop these 'formalities'?" A suggestive tone in her voice. Kieran stared at her deadpanned.

"I'm afraid that will not be appropriate considering we just met and it's only been an hour." Kieran didn't hesitate and rejected her straight out. Aslar let out an exaggerated sigh, "You're so stiff! Are you a virgin or something?" She cupped her face and then reach out and caressed Kieran's chin, smiling seductively at him. "Come on~ Don't be shy~!"

He didn't flinch or anything and simply removed her hand from his chin, "Please refrain from touching me, Miss Aslar. For your information, I am not a virgin. I had my fair shares of experiences before."  

Kieran lean back in his chair, picking up a teacup and stirred it. "Now, what is your actual business in coming here, Miss Aslar? Surely, more than trying to seduce and marry me?"

Aslar beamed, "Why, you're quite smart. Of course, I am."


I'm really sorry I posted this late. I apologise, I just haven't had the motivation go write lately and I'm really sorry for that... Thank you for still reading my book. I really appreciate it <3 Love you guys all.

I might need to take a break, though I'm not sure how long. Maybe a week or two.

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