Chapter 27

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Aelia did not notice Estorea's unusual behaviour that day.

After a few more weeks, Estorea finally managed to complete 50 E quests and 30 quests and recieved the qualification to become a merchant which she was quite happy about.

Merchants weren't really appreciated in this kingdom as they are seen to be the least loyal citizens. So they weren't well-treated. But Estorea was fine with that, it won't be long... after all.


Estorea gripped the merchant badge in her hand, she had already packed everything she needed in order to go the the neighbouring kingdom once she got the qualification.

She just hoped she will make back in time for Haigu's second break. This time, the plan she had is extremely risky and there was a high chance of her getting found out.

If that happens, she might have to negotiate in person...

Let's just hope she succeeds.

She needed Aelia to come along for a certain reason, if she could, she would have went alone but Aelia's athletic abilities was a must in here.

And... Yosa... It seems he also decided to come along.

Estorea's smile twitched as she saw Yosa' stoic face as he said he will go with them.

'Do you have absolutely nothing to do!?' She thought, black lines running down the side of her head.

Estorea sighed, it's not like she can stop him anyways. He is in the Top 10 of the Strongest Adventurers. One hit from him and she's out.

'But still...'

Estorea's eyes drifted over to the pair. Aelia and Yosa. Aelia had a smile on her face as she carried the conversation with only small replies from Yosa.

He had a blank face but if you looked closely, the corner of his eyes was slightly curved and the corner of his lips was lifted up slightly, however it was barely evident unless one took a closer look.

Estorea stared at them, she folded her arms, deep in thought as she lowered her head to shade her expression. 'Crush... Now that I think about it, I never seem to have one. How does it feel...?' She wondered.

Blinking, she shook her head and slapped her face lightly, she can't be having these kind of useless thoughts! 'Get back on track, Estorea!'

Just then, she heard a horn.

She turned around to see the gate opening. Currently, they were waiting for the gate to open. There was a gate that was specifically made for merchants and it would only open once every month.

Bless her luck, she got the badge on the day that the gate open.

It wasn't too crowded as many citizens didn't become merchants for obvious reasons. They didn't want to be scorned by the home they were born in.

Estorea gestured for Aelia and Yosa to follow her as they got back onto the wagon they hired and the horse pulling it, trotted to the gate.

Once they were out of the kingdom, Aelia took the lead, reining the horse.

"Haiya!" With that, the horse began to gallop.

The neighbouring kingdom took only 3 days and 2 nights to reach, with occasional breaks in-between. During the whole short trip, Estorea just observed the interactions between Yosa and Aelia.

And had gotten an answer from her observations. 'Yosa definitely likes Aelia, no doubt.'

And it was certainly true. However, Estorea kept quiet about it. She would just wait, it is not in her place to interfere after all.

They did not have to pay for an entrance fee when they reached the gates of Gigara due to the fact that they were adventurers.

Nevertheless, they still had to show up at the Adventurer's Guild in Gigara and registered themselves.

Estorea had gotten information that the Adventurer's Guild is in basically every kingdom. Even over the seas, it seems like its influence was larger than she thought.

Back on topic, Estorea, Aelia and Yosa quickly registered at a inn. Each getting a single room for themselves.

Given some time to change, rest and wash up. They met downstairs a few hours later, all freshen up and no longer tired from their trip.

Estorea had decided a little trip around the town would be nice. She needed to find out more about this place.

The streets was crowded and it was a struggle for Estorea who kept bumping into people.

It took an entire day to travel around the central street, they decided to splurge some money but not a lot on food and small accessories.

And before they knew it, the sky gradually started to darken, the sun setting as the stars took over the night sky.

Estorea glanced up, seeing the twinkling little white lights contrasting the black colour.

She slightly reached her hand up, 'How long... has it been?' Time has passed so fast.

Now that she thinks about it, it's been quite time a few years since she has transmigrated. Her old life seems like just a fading memory now.

'Would I have been able to avoid the cause of my death if I knew it? Or was I destined...' Estorea didn't like to believe in things like destiny or fate.

But in a book... Those likely matter a lot.

Aelia tug on her sleeve, "Young miss, we should head back now. Staying outside might be dangerous at this timing." She advised.

Estorea nodded, she looked away from the sky.

"Alright, let's go back."

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