Chapter 17

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Anette threw open the library door, presenting it with her hands. Smiling, she gestured towards the magnificent sight before her.

"Welcome to the Royal Library!"


Anette had left Estorea alone, going off to do her chores as Estorea was deeply excited, seeing all the books and knowledge before her.

Unfortunately, due to Anette's dramatic introduction. She got some stares and looks as she hurried towards the bookshelves to find some things she could enjoy reading.

It didn't take very long for the staring to stop, and Estorea was happily able to look through the books without feeling uncomfortable.

With luck on her side, thankfully, no one came up to strike a conversation with her. All too focused on studying and becoming the Second Prince's tutor.

Estorea quickly checked out the books, holding it within her arms as she made her way back to her room.



Estorea seated herself on the sofa, opening the book she had borrowed. It was on plants and its uses.

The library was not very often checked what type of books they hold as no one seems to consider them important. 

So, there were dangerous books such as this, well, in other people's eyes, it might not be. But considering that most people would just buy poisons and drugs without thinking where they came from.

Since the Gardens of the Palaces was sure to hold a lot of rare and dangerous flowers. Estorea wanted to use them, in order to create a drug that she could use to make the guards stationed outside the King's Study faint.

In case you forgot, all the planets from Earth had also been seemingly found in this world. Of course, aside from some magical plants that the author had made up.

Many common flowers are actually really dangerous, like for example, 

The Larkspur

• A member of the buttercup family, larkspur is valued by gardeners because it’s relatively low-maintenance. 

• The whole plant is poisonous, though, with the leaves and seeds containing the most toxins. 

• Ingestion can result in burning of the mouth, nausea and vomiting, as well as slowed heart rate. Immediate medical attention is necessary after larkspur ingestion, as death can occur within as little as six hours.

See how a simple plant can be extremely dangerous? This is one example.

The book provided a sketch of how the flower looked like, Estorea studied it, having seen it before in the gardens.

However, this was not what she wanted. It was far too much, a lot of troublesome matters would be brought up if a death would occur. 

Estorea tapped her finger on the page, flipping through them. Her eyes scanned the content quickly, 'No... No... No...-' 

She paused, and flipped back. Her eyes landed on a detailed sketch and she looked at the title.

Deadly Nightshade.

'Ah, I finally remember. Deadly Nightshade in extremely small doses causes someone to knock out. Well, doesn't that sound just perfect? I'm sure I can find some around here.' 

Memorizing the sketch, she closed the book. And got up from the sofa, she quickly put on some outside clothes. 'Well, let's head to the gardens.' 

Estorea has some experience in creating drugs, long story short, she came across a book on making medicines and was inclined to try it out.

Resulting in her trying out this practice for a whole year, until she finally lost interest and moved onto another one.

She never knew it would come into handy one day, this was really just one simply stroke of good luck.

Estorea then swiftly informed Anette that she would be exploring the gardens and will be back by dinner time.


"Sir! Oh my god! What happened to you!?" Anette's shrill voice asks in worry.

Branches and leaves decorated Estorea's hair and her outfit was slightly messy and crumpled up.

Estorea averted her eyes and gave a small cough, "Just a little exploring..." She muttered. 

"Anyways, I'm gonna go change into something more presentable... Dinner is only an hour away." With that, she headed inside her room.

Closing the door behind her, she pulled out a small plastic ziplock bag. 

Inside, it contained berries, leaves and cut-out parts of stalk and roots.

Estorea put the plastic ziplock inside her backpack, and went off to go change her clothes.

Coming back in a new set of clothes. Estorea checks her pocket watch, '45 minutes...' 

She kept it, and walked over to her backpack, taking out the small plastic ziplock bag, handling it gently. 

Rubbing her chin, Estorea then took out her handkerchief, and opened the bag, walking over to her desk. She took out one berry and put it carefully and gently on the desk. Making sure that any of her exposed skin wasn't touching it. 

She didn't want to risk anything at the moment. 

She examined the berry, making sure it was in a good condition for us. Her materials must be top-grade.

After examining it, Estorea put the berry back into the ziplock bag. She still didn't have all the required tools to make the knock-out medicine.

She needed a bowl, and a spoon or fork. 

She checks her pocket watch, 'I guess I can just read for a short while and get going. Hopefully, I can bring a bowl and some utensils back to my room.' 


"Anette, is it okay if I bring a bowl and some utensils back to my room or is it prohibited?" Estorea questioned Anette, who was leading her to the dining area like always.

"Well, uh, yes... But what do you need them for, sir?" 

"Oh well, I like to have midnight snacks, you see. I actually have some snacks I kept inside my bag, but without a bowl, it's a bit difficult trying to consume them." Estorea lied smoothly.

Anette giggled, "I see, sir. Then after dinner, I shall bring you a bowl and some utensils."

Esotea smiled, "Thank you, Anette." 

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