Chapter 24

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Today was the last day of Haigu's holiday. The days went by fast, and before they knew it. It was time for him to head back into the camp.

"I wish we could have spent more time together. Unfortunately, that will have to wait." Estorea commented with a forlorn expression.

Haigu didn't know what to say, so he just nodded and stayed silent.

"Ah yes, I wanted to give you something. Aelia, would you mind?" She looked at Aelia.

Getting the hint, Aelia took out a brown packaging and handed it over to Haigu.

He took it and glanced at his lady for permission to open it. Estorea gestured for him to do so, and he tore off the packaging.

It was a necklace. A sliver squared shape frame with a white gemstone in the middle.

Haigu ran his fingers over the gemstone, he felt a sense of mana from it. "Is this... mana?" 

He gazed at Estorea for answers.

"That gemstone is the result of a successful experiment I was doing. With Aelia's help, I was able to successfully create a spell that is imbued in the stone that allows you to teleport home if you are facing any danger." She paused. 

Then added, "The keyword to activate the spell is 'Help', but it will only respond to your voice, I wanted it to have voice recognition so it will be easier to activate for you. And another way is to press the gemstone, however, I also imputed that it would be activated only to your fingerprints."

Haigu looked confused. Fingerprints? Voice recognition? What's that?

Seeing the confused look on his face, Estorea sighs, "Don't mind the complicated words. Here, I will simplify it for you. Basically, in that gemstone, there's a teleportation or warp spell that will teleport you here if you were to face any danger. However, it cannot recognise the danger and it will depend on you to do so. The spell only activates to your voice by saying 'Help.' And fingers by pressing on the gemstone. Understand?"

Haigu nodded, he was still confused but he got the gist of it. 'Necklace is saving device.' Is what he thought.

"That's good then. Well, it's time for you to head off... See you in 7 months." 

Haigu beamed, "See you soon, My Lady." And he reluctantly turned to look at Aelia with a face of disgust. "And you too..." 

He turned around and walked up into the carriage. 

Veins popped up on Aelia's forehead and she brought up the middle finger, which was said by her young Miss that it meant something very bad and it should not be used.

Estorea waved at Haigu, ignoring the middle finger that Aelia had shown. She shouldn't have taught that to her.

Once the carriage was out of view, Estorea signaled for Aelia to head back inside. "Come on." 

Aelia nodded, sending a glare into the direction where Haigu went off before scampering over to follow Estorea back inside. 


"Aelia." Estorea called.

"Yes, Young Miss?" Kneeling on one knee. "Is there any way I could be an adventurer?"

Aelia's eyebrows furrowed, she seemed downcast after hearing that. "Am I not making enough money, perhaps?" 

Estorea shook her head, "No, no. It's just for another reason. Don't worry, you don't need to know about it."

"Besides that, is there, any way, I could be an adventurer? I need to travel to the neighbouring kingdom."

"Hm... Uh, well I'm not really sure... There are requests where you can just collect herbs or make something which is super easy for the E rank." Aelia trailed off, trying to rack her brain to get the information in which her mistress needs.

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