Chapter 23

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"Good morning." Estorea greeted Haigu who pushed a cart inside, her breakfast sitting on top.

Haigu nodded and smiled, putting her breakfast down on the table, he waited by her side as Estorea read the newspaper that Aelia had gotten for her.

Estorea finished her breakfast, as Haigu took it away.

She took a quick bath and wore her outing clothes.

She exited her room, to find Aelia and Haigu waiting for her. Estorea smiled as she felt the feeling of excitement from them.

"Let's get going, shall we? Where would you guys like to go first?"

"Anyway you like, Young Miss!" Aelia exclaimed. 

Haigu nodded in agreement.

"Ah... Alright then. Let's go to a clothing store! I actually want to design you guys new clothes." And with their destination decided, they set off.

🧥 Clothing Shop 👗

Estorea turned the paper once again, using the pencil to sketch out the design of the custom-made clothes.

Once she was satisfied, she handed it to the store keeper, making sure it was not seen by Aelia and Haigu.

The store keeper looked at the design and acknowledged it with approval. 

He turned to consult Estorea on the pricing. "This is gonna cost 50 Uvos. The clothes will be ready by tomorrow, would you like it to be delivered?"

Estorea frowned, her eyebrows furrowed. "Tomorrow? If I pay more money, will you lessen the time needed to make the clothes? I want it done by today."

The store keeper started sweating, seeing her upset face. "O-Of course! I shall gather my best seamstresses. It will cost 100 Uvos and it will be done in 5 hours."

Estorea smiled, "Now, that's more acceptable. We will be back in 5 hours then. You better have it completed and it better be of the best quality, got it?" She raised an eyebrow.

The store keeper frantically nodded, "Yes! Yes! Of course, My Lady."


And with that being said, Estorea quickly left the shop and started to bring Aelia and Haigu around.

[At the marketplace]

"Guys, if anything catches your eye, just tell me and I will buy it. And I mean it. So go on." Estorea never really went on  a shopping trip before since she was always alone and never really had any real life friends besides online ones.

She had heard of this so-called shopping spree. And in definition, it means 'a short period of time in which someone buys a lot of things.' 

So, she was planning to do a shopping spree with them. Though, she didn't really need to buy anything.

Although Haigu and Aelia had visited the market before. They were 10× more excited because their mistress has come with them!

Aelia looked around excitedly, she had come here last time and wanted to buy something but didn't want to without her Mistress' permission. 

So now that she has been given permission, immediately, she grabbed Estorea' wrist and tugged on it. 

Staring at her with sparkling eyes, Estorea got the hint and let Aelia drag her with Haigu following behind.

Soon, they stopped in front of a stall. It wasn't too particularly crowded, nor was it too empty.

Estorea observed the store, and they were selling accessories such as pins, earring and hair clips.

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