Chapter 49

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The next morning,

Royal Guards had arrived at the residence unannounced.

They demanded for Estorea Vanzi.

Her parents and sister graciously allowed her to go while faking their crying and sniffles.

And so, the current situation is that the royal guards brought her to the palace, in the main hall, where Estorea saw the  infamous three male leads and Kari.

The guards forced her to get in her knees, luckily the carpet was soft, so it prevented her from scraping her knees.

But she still winced, as the guards had used too much force to push her down. Her hands were chained and her hair was in a mess.

Estorea gritted, her head lowered. "So you're the one who has been harassing Kari, is it?" A voice tainted with disgust and anger could be heard.

Suddenly, Estorea felt a sharp pain in her scalp, realising her hair had been pulled up, forcing her head to face upwards, and she met the eyes of the three male leads, brimming with anger and disgust.

"You're pretty brave, aren't you?" Another different voice sounded out, coming from the arch mage, Xeno.

Estorea didn't say anything and stayed silent, she lowered her eyes to look at the floor. Only for hair to be roughly tugged up again, seeing the three male leads again.

"Too bad she won't be able to do anything again." Jarvis commented.

Estorea had never seen him before, in the novel, it had described him around 165 cm, fluffy pastel hair that hung around his neck and beautiful eyelashes showing off his bright diamond eyes.

Estorea had never seen him before, in the novel, it had described him around 165 cm, fluffy pastel hair that hung around his neck and beautiful eyelashes showing off his bright diamond eyes

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Credit: @iruiru_popopo on Twitter

For a ruthless and obsessive personality, his appearance was completely the opposite. Cute and innocent was the words that could be used to describe it. He smiled brightly.

Then raised his hands and lightly clap them.

The doors behind them swung open, and four knights came in carrying a guillotine.

Estorea widened her eyes, she started to feel panic bubble up in her. She felt like it was difficult to breathe and she couldn't make sense of what was happening.

Breathing heavily, her head started to hurt a lot.

Broken shards of memories entered her mind, but Estorea couldn't get a hold of them, they were slipping through her grasp.

And before she knew it, her head was in the lunette. The Halifax gibbet hanging over her head, threatening to fall.

Estorea started sweating. She was facing the doors, unable to see the princes who had started to crowd around Kari again and assuring her that she would never get hurt again and that she shouldn't see such a gruesome scene.

However, Kari didn't respond to anything they said, silently watching the guillotine. She wasn't feeling any worry. She was just watching. Feeling pity for her. How unfortunate for Estorea. Reborn only to die again.



Estorea closed her eyes, tightly shut. Just then, she heard an explosion and guards screaming. The windows started to break into glasses. The chaos had began.

Everyone was panicking over this sudden attack. Screaming that a war had started!

Among all the chaos, Kari was watching silently still. The male leads have went off to get a grasp of the situation. Without noticing, Kari had turned around and slipped away into the darkness.

The guard that was supposed to execute Estorea had run off, leaving Estorea chained and stuck.

She had started to calm down, knowing that she won't die anytime soon.

Just then, she heard the doors burst open, and saw Kieran rushing in, his eyes filled with fear and horror.

He seemed... To be terrified...?

Why...? She's perfectly fine and safe-

And suddenly, her vision went black.

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