Chapter 37

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The two noblemen paused in their footsteps, a faint pink blush spread across their cheeks as they saw Yula gracefully plucked the flower out, a beautiful smile on her face as she ticked her hair strand behind her ear.


Estorea stood behind Yula, invisible to the noblemen as their attention has been captured by Yula.

'Might as well throw petals right?'

Yula seemingly just 'noticed' them and widened her eyes, as her cheeks go a bright red. She looks at the flower in her hands and back at them again, and hurriedly hid the flower behind her back. She bowed her head slightly, greeting the noblemen and apologising.

"I didn't know Mr Kuan and Mr Van would be visiting the garden. I apologise that you must see me in this state..."

Mr Kuan smiled and shook his head, "No, no, I was just quite enraptured by Miss Yula's beauty." He walked towards her and gently brought her hands to the front, showing the flower. He gently caresses the flower with a tender look in his eyes.

Yula turned even redder as she saw felt Mr Kuan grabbed her arm to show the flower she was hiding. Their contact made her shy.

She looks away bashfully, "Um... Mr Kuan, could you please let go of my arm...?"

Mr Kuan chuckled and did so, "You can call me by Isan. No need to be formal, we are close in age and status after all."

Just then, an arm wrapped around Mr Kuan shoulders. "Now, now, Isan. You can't just seduce and have the beauty all to yourself, now can you? Give me a chance too!" Mr Van chided.

He then walked over to Yula and extended his palm, Yula tilted her head slightly before placing her hand in his hesitantly.

He then lowered his head and kissed her hand lightly.

Yula turned a deep shade of red as she stood frozen. Trying to digest what had happened.

Mr Van laughed, "Looks I won, Isan. I made her go in a trance!"

Isan glared at him, "Garren."

Garren and Van stared daggers at each other. Yula frowned slightly as her eyebrows scrunched up and tears began to pool between her eyes.

And like every heroine, she steps in between them, interrupting their silent fight. "No... no fighting! Please...Please!" Fear clearly visible in her voice. She shut her eyes tightly as she braced for some kind of impact.

Estorea, standing on the side. "..."

'Wah, so dramatic.'

Immediately both men rushed to soothe her when they saw tears rushing down her face with the fear of them fighting.

Their hearts ached as they saw her eyes.

Estorea looked at the scene before her, on the outside, her face showed an expression of excitement as she saw her sister getting showered in concern and love by two handsome men. While on the inside, where her consciousness remains, she had a deadpanned expression on her face.

What is this???

A Korean drama? Chinese drama?

Oh wait, it's a novel.


Damn, can she go jump off a cliff now?

A few hours later, when the two noblemen finally went off, saying that they will keep in contact with Yula through letters.

Throughout the whole stay, they have not even noticed or gave on glance to Estorea who was following behind her and it was laughable.

Imagine being that blinded with love to the point that they are unable to recognise other human beings.

And Estorea could tell Yula noticed it and was all smug on it too. She could only shake her head on the inside.

It's hasn't been one day with her sister and she was already tired of her.

But now she has to live with this girl for years and follow her orders? Are you joking with her?

As Yula sent off the two noblemen, she finally turned around and noticed Estorea. An expression of shock was on her face before it turned to a mocking expression.

"Oh, I didn't notice you were there the entire time, Estorea." She 'apologised.'

In the original novel, Estorea had the personality traits of a heroine but you just gotta delete off some. For example, she was naive and gullible, she smiles at anyone who treats her nicely once. And she couldn't recognise if someone would be using her.

She would continue to let them use her as she simply just went along with their antics.

'I might die of exhaustion and disbelief just by staying with her.'

Estorea grinned, "It's okay, Yula!" She forgave Yula easily.

The original host used to be mean to her servants back in her mansion, how did she turn into an obedient puppy when she met her sister?

While Estorea was suffering internally,

Haigu and Aelia had decided to move to another kingdom and stay in Gigara instead of staying at Oscilar.

They were right now, in the forest, near outside the gates of Oscilar. A fire burning brightly in front of them as both of them were down considering they got separated from their mistress.

"Who are we waiting for again?" Haigu asked. He tapped his foot impatiently, wanting to head to Gigara as fast as possible but was forced to wait for her for Aelia's friend.

"My friend. He's gonna arrive soon, just 10 more minutes." Aelia answered lifelessly, hugging her knees as a wooden branch was in her hand, drawing on the dirt.

Haigu had no mood to cheer Aelia up, he wasn't in one either.

He wanted to badly know the answer to why they had to be separated from their mistress. What reason? And why?

Countless questions ran through his mind, his mistress was always so secretive. She never told him and Aelia anything, as she was worried for them if she did.

Haigu clenched his fists, 'If I knew... Maybe I could help...! But...'

"I don't.." He mumbled.

Suddenly, he was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard someone moving through the bushes, he got up into a fighting stance and turned to see Aelia relaxed.

He raised his eyebrow, and walked over to her, tugging her sleeve. "Hey! I sense someone! Get ready."

Aelia blinked and she lazily smiled at him, "No worries, it's my friend, Yosa."


"That's me..." A quiet voice was heard behind him. Haigu got startled and turned around, to see a black-haired man.

"Is he your friend we were waiting for?"


"Oh. I see."

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