Chapter 8

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Estorea woke up, the room in total darkness, except for that one, small stream of sunlight coming from a small gap on the curtains.

Estorea yawned, covering her mouth. Her eyes became watery and she rub her eyes tiredly. It was rather nice to wake up on your own and not hear an annoying voice call you out every morning.

However, she still needed a trusted attendant. And Estorea planned to buy a slave, after all, one whom is at their lowest point, as they received great treatment, they would become strongly attached to it, never wanting to leave it, thus becoming loyal to their benefactor and having a low chance of betraying them.

Since Akira is gone, it would be much easier to escape the mansion. Besides, there wasn't a hovering cockroach this time, now - was there?

Estorea pulled the covers off of her, and got up, heading to the bathroom to take a quick bath and quickly dress up. She would eat her breakfast first and then set off, telling the maids that she would be in her room all day and that they are not to go inside nor near her room under any circumstances.

Honestly, it would be better to dismiss them all but her Father would get a whiff of that and be suspicious, added on, who's gonna clean the mansion?

Obviously not her.

-knock knock-

"Come in." Estorea said, as she sat herself down on the armchair and took out a book.

The wooden doors got pushed open and came the familiar sound of the metal cart rolling across the marble floor.

"Y-Y-Young M-Miss' B-B-Breakfast h-h-has a-a-arrived!" The maid stuttered, her words incoherent. With trembling hands, she lifted up the tray and placed it on the table, removing the tray cover.

And in an instant, she did a 90° degree-angled bow and basically dashed out of the room, slamming the doors behind her.

Having no reaction to that, Estorea simply picked up the spoon and started eating.

Soon, she finished and she called the maid back again, who trembled constantly as she took the cart away.

"I should go out now." Getting up, Estorea prepared a black cloak and the bag of money.

And she went out to the plaza through the same route.


'This must be the slave market...' Tugging the black hood over her head harder, Estorea looked around, scruntising the slaves in the locked cages.

She needed a good youth that looked death really.

As she peeked through cage by cage, she then stumbled upon a young boy.

As she peeked through cage by cage, she then stumbled upon a young boy

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[Credit: Twitter: MoxaMog]

He had gray hair and faded, dark cyan eyes.

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