Chapter 44

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The carriage door opened, and out came, Yula and Estorea, with Yula outshining Estorea as usual.

Immediately, a butler went forward, greeted both of the ladies and led them in, thanking them for their presence. Yula beamed, "It's an honour to be invited! Thank you."

The butler blushed and lowered his head, nodding.


The banquet was hosted by Queen Emri and there were already many people in the garden.

Yula arrived, and many nobles came up to greet her, while Estorea remained in the back. Casting her eyes onto the crowd, she waited patiently for the crown prince and the heroine to arrive.

Just then, a butler came in, announcing, "His Highness has arrived!"

A bronze-coloured man with long, greyish-white hair stepped in, a stoic look on his face. Behind him, was a white-haired girl with ruby red eyes trailing behind him. She looked around, seeing many people, she stared at them, not afraid.

Immediately, Estorea saw her sister basically fly to his Highness's side, who was also crowded around by many nobles wanting to strike up a chat with him, adding on with Yula also giving a side glance to Estorea on the white-haired girl next to him. 'Do your job.' Her eyes said.

Estorea nodded and slowly made her way over to the girl. The white hair girl noticed her and smiled, she held out a hand, "How do you do? I'm Kari." Estorea took her hand.

Just then, she felt her lean down next to her ear, "Are you the villain that's supposed to embarrass me?" Estorea flinched, she suddenly felt herself in control, she looked up in shock, and staring at her hands, moving them. "How..."

Kari laughed, "Looks like I guessed right, with that look in your eyes before. Your face was screaming that you were going to humiliate me or something!"

Her eyebrows scrunched, the first question that came to her mind was, "Are you a transmigrator? From another world?" She muttered. Kari stopped laughing and stared at her, and she beamed. "So you're one, I assume?"

Estorea raised an eyebrow, feeling the amazing feeling of freedom of moving her body however she wanted, she did not know how long this would last though. "Isn't it obvious?"

Kari grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the clothed table with food and drinks piled on top, while the crown prince followed her with his gaze.

"No one should be able to hear our conversation. Considering how that lady next to the crown prince is glaring at you, I assume she must have forced you to throw a drink on me to humiliate me, right? If you don't, I guessed she won't be very happy." Estorea nodded, it seems like this person in front of her read a fair share of novels and manhwas as well.

Kari grabbed a glass of drink and proceeded to turn it upside down and poured it all over her dress. Estorea blinked, well, she had expected Kari to do that.

"Oh no! I'm so clumsy!" Kari hurried to examine the elegant dress that the crown prince had handed her in worry, nobles began to whisper around her, and murmurs could be heard.

'She has no manners at all!'

'How come the crown prince brought her along?'

Kari looked at Estorea and winked, she mouthed, 'Thank me later.'

In no time, the crown prince rushed to her. "Are you okay? Let's get out of here." He said quietly to her. Kari nodded and followed the crown prince, exiting the banquet.

Estorea looks at Kari's figure disappear, her mind processing what had just happened.

"Ah, was it not a shocking scene, Estorea?" A voice right behind her shoulder, Estorea tried to move to see who it was but realised she was unable to control her body.

She turned around to see who it was and wanted to widen her eyes in shock, but she couldn't. '...Kieran...'

Estorea's body just tilted its head, "Oh! Are you the new noble? I haven't seen you before." She asked. Kieran stiffened, he said in a joking tone, "Did you already forget me?"

"I do not understand what you're trying to say, but it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Estorea. What's your name?"

Kieran furrowed his eyebrows, "I guess I shall play along then." He sighed and introduced himself, "A pleasure to meet you, I'm Ignis Tanza. A new noble to this wonderful place."

Estorea smiled, "I see, let me go introduce you to my sister! Come!"

Kieran observed her, she didn't seem like she was pretending. But... Something felt off...

"What are you waiting for? Let's go." Kieran shook himself out of his thoughts, following her along.

Take your time, Kieran. You will eventually find out.


"Yula! Let me introduce you to Ignis! He's the new noble around her."

Yula smile broadly, "Hello there, Ignis. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Ignis responded back pleasantly, "It is mine as well. You look absolutely stunning, might I add."

Yula blushed slightly, "Thank you..." She wrinkled her hands, "Uhm, would you want to join me for a drink?" Showing some puppy eyes.

Kieran's composure was going to break, he just wanted to be alone with Estorea. But, he had to deal with this annoying woman.

He peeked at Estorea, seeing her lowering her gaze, gripping her hands together.


Kieran turned back, and held out a hand, "Shall we go, milady?"

Yula let out a lovely giggle, "Of course. Meet me at the carriage later, Estorea."

Which translated to = your job is done.

Estorea nodded, and walked off, completely ignoring Kieran, leaving a stifling feeling in Kieran.

Kieran knew she was acting strange, it was rather obvious.

But he still didn't know or understand why, and it also seemed that the relationship between this sister of hers and Estorea was obviously not as good as it seemed.

Especially with the awful rumours, he had heard about Estorea. He never really thought about it since it could be a different 'Estorea', but he didn't expect that it was his Estorea, which made him mad.

How and why could they talk about his lovely Estorea like that?

Well, no worries, they will be dead soon.


Note: Kieran is using the same disguised look he used when he first met Estorea in his kingdom/country.

Thank you for reading!

Also, uhm pls vote? This is the first time I'm asking this, haha. But you don't need to! See you!

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