Chapter 21

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The next day,

"Alright, some things to note down when you stay there." Estorea mentioned, making Haigu sit down in the armchair before her.

"Once you will be finished with the military, I will be 17 years old. You will have 2 breaks in between March and October. So don't worry, we can still see each other." 

She lifted up two fingers, "Second, you are to record or, commit everything to your memory when you are at the army. Basically just take everything down if possible, the soldiers, their skills, formations, plans. Ect. Ect." She then slid a piece of paper across the table to him.

"I have prepared a secret code in which you can write it. Please do follow it. Third, if you are to encounter any dangers that could possibly cause you death. Escape or run immediately. I cannot have you dying. Okay?" She tilted her head, staring into his eyes.

Haigu nodded, he felt rather happy that his mistress cared about him.

"Good, do you have anything else to say? Or something to request? I will try my best to fulfill it." Estorea asked.

Haigu kept silent, then he started fiddling with his fingers, "Can I get a hug from you everytime I come back...?" 

Estorea blink, looking surprised. "O-Oh, uh," She coughed, looking to the side, "Yes. Of course. I shall do it." 

He smiled happily, "Thank you, My Lady!" Clasping his hands together and showing an indescribable expression of joy.

Estorea let out a sigh, "Well, that's all. You will be going in a few hours..." She stood up and walked over to him, digging into her pockets, she pulled out a grey handkerchief.

Estorea handed it to him, who took it curiously in his hands. "My lady? What is this for?"

"It's a... just something from here. I hope it will come to use. Well, we ought to go pack your stuff now. We can't have you missing out on any necessities." With that, she quickly walked away, exiting her room.

Haigu stared blankly at the handkerchief. His smile grew even wider, he gripped it in his hands, "Thank you... My lady." He got up as well, cradling it in his arms.


"Haha! Now I have mistress all to myself! Don't die, Haigu!" Aelia said in a mocking voice, clinging onto Estorea's arm. 

Haigu glared at her, "Just you wait..." 

He then turned to look at Estorea and sent her a light smile, "I guess I shall get going, Miss." 

"Indeed, you shall..." Estorea replied, a shadow running across her eyes.

Haigu walked over to her, and he wrapped his arms around her.

Aelia gasped, and hurriedly also hugged Estorea.

And now... Estorea was sandwiched between two people. "I will get the information you need, Miss. I promise." He whispered.

"I shall see you to it then..." 

He let go and took a few steps backward, looking at her eyes, he gave a small bow and turned around, entering the carriage that was prepared for him.

As the door closed on him, Haigu looked out of the open window, he waved at Estorea, ignoring Aelia.

As the carriage got further and further away from the mansion, Haigu clenched his fist, and grinded his teeth.

"Two years... To get this information. Why does... My Lady needs it?" 


He sighed, "She really... never tells me anything, does she?"


Time passed, and soon it became March.

Haigu had gone off to the military during December. So it has been 3 months since Estorea last saw him.

So the moment that she had heard of his coming arrival, she immediately started making preparations to welcome him back.

Army training in the modern era was tough, she was sure it must be terrible for Haigu.

And even she felt a slight feeling of guilt for sending him there. But no can do, she needed that information anyways.

Estorea wasn't really good at knowing how to welcome someone back. By what she knows...

'I just make them their favourite food and uh... that's it?' 

So, problem number 1.

Estorea doesn't know Haigu's favourite food. 

Therefore, she just decided to prepare something that everyone can drink.

Water and Fruits.

This should be good enough right?

Aelia was equally clueless as well, having lived in the slums for her entire life, she didn't do too much either.

And Estorea couldn't ask the maids to help her without scaring them off.

Thus, she gave up and just decided that a glass of water and fruits will be enough. 

Oh, and a bouquet of pink roses. 

With that, Haigu's arrival came.


The carriage's door opened, and came out, Haigu.

His appearance having been slightly altered, with a slight change in his skin colour, he got tanned.

He still had his pale skin, just, a bit tan...

Aelia burst into laughter when she saw him, "AHAHAHAHA! Oh my god! You look so tan~ Haigu!" 

Estorea paid no mind to his appearance and simply beamed. "Welcome back, let's go in, shall we? We only get to spend a week with you."

"Of course, Miss. Though, I think I need to shower first..." Haigu said sheepishly, with an embarrassed expression on his face.

He had just straight up ignored Aelia's comments the moment he exited the carriage.

Estorea nodded, "Alright then, meet me in my room once you are finished. Come along now, Aelia." She walks back inside the mansion, with Aelia following her.

Not before sticking out her tongue at Haigu, who pinched himself to prevent himself from lashing out at her.

'Calm, Haigu. Calm. She's nothing more than a nonsensical brat.' Is what he told himself as he proceeded to enter the mansion with his bag, for a quick shower.

Besides, nothing seems to change much anyways.

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