Chapter 7

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Estorea placed down the book on her lap. Currently, she was tucked in her bed, under the blankets.

It was night time and she was the only one up awake, reading. "So, there's another kingdom... call Valrotant." Tapping her fingers, "Their attack and defense power is strong... And they have trading routes with the overseas kingdoms and countries. Obviously, they're flourishing..." She paused, as she turn to look at the other book.

"But our kingdom... The defense power is insanely strong. Which is why Valrotant can't overtake us. We are also independent and don't have any trade routes. And surprisingly, there's actually no contract. The only way to gain access to the other kingdom is only if you're a merchant registered at a guild or an adventurer registered there as well. The Adventure Guild is the only link to Valrotant..."

Estorea sighed as she rubbed her temples, frowning, she closed her eyes, exhausted. "I should go to sleep now. I will think more about it tomorrow." Moving the books to under her bed, Estorea pulled the blanket over her as she laid her head on the pillow and eventually drifted off to sleep.

~Next Morning~

"Its time to wake up, Young Miss!" Hearing her annoying voice again, Estorea woke up in a bad mood.

Reluctantly, she forced herself to sit up and face Akira. Just by seeing her, Estorea got annoyed. Very annoyed.

Still, she held it in and smiled. "Thank you."

In her thoughts, as she was resting in the bathtub, was, 'I need to find a way to fire Akira. And to do that... I should just frame her with poison, easiest way. Perhaps, there's some rat poison in the kitchen, she brings me my meals so I can just simply ask for a sliver needle and well, poison my own food, and accuse her of it.'

Her plan drawn out, Estorea got back fo reality and quickly finish bathing and got dressed. Sending Akira away to do some chores nowhere near the kitchen. Estorea made her way downstairs, going to the kitchen.

Arriving there, she saw 2 chefs inside, both of them were slacking off and they were asleep.

'Well, isn't this just rather convenient?'

Walking inside silently, Estorea looked through the upper, and below cupboards, the drawers and pantry and finally found a glass bottle filled with rat poison at the lowest shelf in the pantry.

Taking it, Estorea went back to her room. Closing the door behind her, she placed down the rat poison on the table and went to her walk-in closet.

And came walking out with a sliver needle in her hands. Sitting down, Estorea took out a book and hid the rat poison, waiting for lunch time to come.


"Miss! Its lunch time!" Akira announced as she walk in, pushing a cart with a tray on it, covered by a sliver, round tray cover.

Akira took it off the cart, and removed the tray cover, and a delicious smell wafted through the air. Setting down the tray cover, Akira placed the plate down on the table in front of Estorea.

Estorea smiled and thanked her, "Also," She called out, Akira straightened her back, hearing her. "Do you mind if you get me a glass if water please?" Giving and eye-closed smile, Akira nodded. "Yes, young miss."

Her eyes curving up into crescent moons, a vicious smile appeared on Estorea's lips. Steadily, she took out the glass bottle and uncocked it.

Turning it upside down, she poured several drops down all over the plate. And quickly put the stopper back in and hid it.

She then waited for Akira to come back, and she soon heard footsteps, and in came Akira, in her hand, was a glass of water.

Estorea smiled, "Thank you." Akira place it down on the table. She then noticed the needle. Her eyes had a look of surprise in them, "Why do you have a sliver needle with you? You do realise that there is no way your food is poisoned, right, young miss?"

Curling her lips, Estorea pick up the sliver needle, "I don't know Akira. I just have a bad feeling today... And well, it doesn't hurt to test it, just in case right?"

She then brought the needle closer to the chicken, and poked it. The needle sank in.

'Time for my acting skills.'

The needle slowly turned blackish, and as soon as Estorea pulled it out. Her eyes widened and she abruptly stood up, the chair fell down, and a loud bang was heard.

"Poison!" Estorea screamed, her voice echoing throughout the whole mansion. The other workers heard the commotion and became curious, they made their way to Estorea's room.

To see the young lady, standing up with bloodshot eyes as she pointed at Akira, "You! You're the culprit! How could you poison your miss!"

Akira stepped back, her steps faltering, her whole body was trembling. "I-it wasn't me..." She turn to look at the other workers, her eyes wide open, as she tried to defend herself. "It wasn't me! I swear!"

Estorea scowled, "Take her away! From today, she's no longer my personal maid and she's fired!" Declaring it, without delay, to guards step in.

Without any words, they dragged the kicking and screaming Akira, whose face had tears and snot running down her face as frustration and anger could be heard in her voice.

Estorea watched in expressionlessly, she lowered her eyes, a shadow looming over her face.

'Finallly... The pest is gone.'

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