Chapter 31

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[Note: guys my chapters keep resetting, I'm about to lose it.]


"Estorea, you do have a plan, right? Or did you just come here without any and expect us to figure out one?" Kieran questioned.

Estorea rolled her eyes, she snapped in response, "Uh, Yes, I do."

Kieran had a shocked face, "Wow! Really!?"

"...Go die in a hole bitch."

Kieran clutched his heart and had a pained expression, he wiped imaginary tears from his eyes, saying in a hurt tone, "That... That's the first time... Someone called me a bitch and even told me to die! So mean!"

Estorea sighed, "Stop playing around already, will you?"

Immediately, Kieran's expression changed faster before Estorea could blink and he smiled. "Of course, down to business."

"Since you have a plan, mind sharing me about it?"

Estorea nodded, "Alright, I already have set it into motion. But, I must inform you first that I can only visit you from time to time and discuss the plan for about 2 years."

Kieran furrowed his eyebrows, "And, why is that?"

Estorea bit her lip and said, "That's a bit difficult to explain. I just won't be able to come here, I'm afraid."

Kieran had a look of displeasure on his face, he closed his eyes and held in his feeling of annoyance. "I won't question you on it then."

"Well, I expected you to. Anyway, I have a servant that goes by the name of Haigu. He is currently in the military so he is just recording down all the attack and defense strategies in there for me. When he comes back for his break again, which will be in October, I will tell my other servant - Aelia to share the new information he recorded down, after I checked it myself, of course."

Kieran nodded, silent as he thought about her plan.

Estorea continued, "I can't come here all the time due to obvious reasons, and I won't be able to come here anymore after I turn 18. So, when that time comes, my servant Aelia will be coming over here from time to time to update you. I will also send you letters, of course. What do you think about the plan? I can only help you get the information on the kingdom's army. Since you have failed to get any due to how tight their security measures are."

Estorea picked up the tea that had been served earlier by a maid and took a sip. "After all, they only allow someone who was born in that country to enter that country. And you can't sneak in either, since their defense and paranoia is quite high. So, what about it?"

Kieran didn't answer her, keeping quiet as he leaned back into the sofa, a notepad on his hand as he wrote continuously.

He would pause and hit the paper with the tip of his pen and started writing again. Estorea simply observed his actions as she waited for him to answer.

Finally, after what seems like a decade of silence. He spoke, "Okay, I noted down your plan. And improvised mine relying on the information of your plan. It seems pretty reasonable."

He then started to explain his plan, "So, when I receive the information from your servant. I will note it down and improve my attack's strategies. And I think I will be able to take it down to Oscilar in about... 6 months, which is much shorter than I took last time. Hm, when would you like me to invade?"


"I know the perfect timing. It will be around the end of the year 19XX, there will be a ceremony that every noble and important person will be attending. And it will be held on the 28 of December. That will be the perfect time to attack."

"Why do you say that?"

Estorea simply shook her head and beamed. "That's a secret."

"Everything's a secret..."

Estorea then stood up, "Well, I think we finished discussing. I will head back now then. Oh yeah, before I go, let me teach you a morse code I made up."

"What's a morse code?" Kieran asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Ah, it's like a secret code or something. Like, others won't be able to understand the morse code unless they have been taught. And all the information written down by my servant is in that particular morse code."

"That's quite smart." Kieran praised.

"I'm not the one that invented it, I can't take any credit." She refused his praise without any hesitation, she sat down next to him and took the notepad and started to explain and write down the morse code.

Once she finished, Kieran studied it with sparkling eyes, impressed and amazed. What a genius idea! Why did he never think about this before?

Estorea saw his look of amazement as he was occupied with the notepad.

She silently turned and walked away, exiting his study room. She ought to go now.

She greeted the guards and the maid from before waiting outside, "I'm done. Would you mind taking me out of the palace now?" She asked the maid.

The maid bowed down slightly and nodded, gesturing for Estorea to follow her.

"Thank you."


Estorea got out and met up with Aelia and Yosa. "I apologise for taking so long. I just had a rather long conversation."

"It's fine! Let's go to the library now! You wanted to go, right?" Aelia seems to be energetic.

"Yes, though I don't think you two will enjoy it there very much. So you can just take me there, and go off and do whatever you want. I don't know, like take some requests or something. This is our last day here before we go back." Estorea said.

Aelia nodded, and once they were out of the inn, she immediately took Estorea to the Public Library in Gigara.

Estorea thanked her and went inside to check the books out as Yosa and Aelia decided to take on some requests for extra money.

It was already close to evening when they met up again, everyone was exhausted and tired.

After eating dinner, they retired to their rooms to get a good night's sleep before the following day.

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