Chapter 38 [End of Season 1]

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On where we left off, once the three friends have gathered. They immediately settle off to Gigara in no time.

The moment they arrived at the gates of Gigara. Someone came up to them, bowing slightly. "I have come to take you to His Highness. Please follow me."

Haigu raised an eyebrow, impressed. They only just arrived and that bastard already knew they were here?

Just how fast was he...

Before they knew it, they arrived at the Palace.

Since Haigu came over often to give information on the army. He already knew the Palace quite well, as he had explored it during his free time.

Sooner no later, they arrived at Kieran's study.

Aelia raised her hand to knock on the door before entering but Haigu had different thoughts in mind and just barge it open, striding in.

The smile on Kieran's face twitched slightly, seeing his door being so awfully mistreated.

"Where's Estorea?" Kieran asked, noticing immediately that Estorea wasn't with them.

The memory flashed in his mind, where Estorea had told him that she would be unable to visit him.

He took a shaky breath, a gut-wrenching feeling rose in him. He thought he could last a while without her presence. His mind felt clouded.

"Get out," Kieran said. The quill pen in his hand at risk of breaking into pieces from his grip.

Noticing his behaviour, they listened and left his study. They could tell his mood had suddenly shifted and something bad was definitely going to happen in that study.

"Does he have anger issues too?" Haigu commented, he had observed Kieran's behaviour. And it looked like once they were out of the room, he was going to start throwing things all over the ground.




The pen broke in half. Kieran looked at the pen mindlessly. This was the first time in a few years which he let his anger took over him.

Kieran leaned back in his chair, running his hand through his hair. His eyes were dark, losing their previous shine. A smile appeared on his lips. "It hasn't been even a month and I already got affected this much... And I was hoping it would be just a silly puppy love phase."

Kieran clenched his fist, exhaling a shaky breath. The painful feeling hit him again. "This hurts more when an assassin stabbed my waist..." He mumbled.

His mind flashed back to what Estorea had mentioned, the fact that she can't come here anymore after two years was puzzling. Why? Was something keeping her from doing so? 

"It can't be her parents. I doubt she would be able to come here if not without her parent's permission..." 

An unpleasant word then appeared in his mind. Fiance.

Another one came after that. Marriage.  

"Ugh...!" Kieran winced, an excruciating feeling spreading throughout his whole body. It felt like knives were repeatedly stabbed into him.

He smiled painfully, "Well, I think I'm aware of how I feel now..."

He got up from the chair, "I should see if I can find out where Estorea has gone off to before making a plan."

However, when Kieran inquired Haigu and Aelia about Estorea's location, they only frowned and shook their heads. Neither of them knew where she had gone as they had obeyed her orders on leaving to Gigara.

Having received a disappointing answer, Kieran decided he should go to Oscilar himself and try to find her. But considering how incredibly secure and private that kingdom was, it proved to be a difficult choice. Unfortunately, before he could further his plan and make it more elaborate, he was interrupted by another letter from a kingdom with which he made ties, saying that the princess will be coming over to visit.

It was obvious what their intentions were through the letter, considering they also had sent the most beautiful and graceful princess their kingdom was famous for.

Of course, Kieran had always rejected every single princess the kingdoms had offered. He wanted to either marry someone of interest or not get married at all. And initially, he thought that no one would be able to get his attention and feelings. So he was just planning to adopt a suitable orphan to rule the kingdom when he retired or died of old age. 

But in this sudden change of circumstances, now his goal was to specifically make Estorea fall in love with him and marry him. So that she will be by his side eternally forever-

Kieran blinked, 'Eternally...' He thought. That word sounded extremely satisfying to his ears. Eternal. Forever.

If Estorea was always by his side, shackled to him.

An extremely bright smile made its way onto his face, as his eyes darkened. 'That sounds... nice.'

'Extremely nice...'

So nice, that it was something that Kieran would strive to make come true.

It will come true. Whether Esotera liked it or not. 

It would simply be ridiculous if Estorea wasn't by his side.

She only deserved him. And he only deserved her.

If Estorea were to go to another man, he wouldn't mind dirtying his hands for her.

Kieran beamed. A ticklish feeling arose in his throat. He gave a short chuckle.

Season 2 is next chapter lolz

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