Chapter 45

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Sitting in the carriage, Estorea waited patiently for Yula. She was taking quite a while with Kieran, or should she say, Ignis. Finally, she heard the door swung open.

Yula stepped into the carriage, a satisfied expression on her face. "How did it go? Did he fall under your grace?" Estorea questioned.

Yula widens her eyes and a small blush spread over her face. She coughed and regained her composure. "He was.. very presentable... and quite smooth." Estorea raised an eyebrow, oh?

'Kieran is a good flirt if he managed to even stun my sister. Well, that's no surprise.'


Later at night...


Estorea stretched herself, having just taken a bath, she immediately made a beeline towards the bed and tumbled in. Hugging the bedsheets. She then turned to lay on her side-

And met with a pair of red eyes.


"Kieran...?" Estorea whispered, sitting up on her bed. Now noticing a familiar-looking person in her bed. She must have been too exhausted to notice that another human being managed to sneak into her bed.

She felt a warm pair of arms wrapped around her, Kieran had enveloped her in a hug.

He rested his head on her shoulders, breathing in her calming scent.

"Kieran? Why are you hugging me?" Estorea asked, breaking the silence. She tried to remove his arms but failed to as he tightened his grip. "I miss you..." He mumbled.

"Uhm, thank you? I miss you too, I guess." Estorea relented, letting herself be hugged by Kieran. "Oh yeah, if you're here. Are you going to declare war or something?"

Kieran let out a hefty sigh, "That's the first question you're going to ask me after not meeting for 2 years?"

"What else am I going to ask? How are you? You seem well honestly." Kieran lifted her up, and then placed her on his lap, wrapping his arms around her again. This time, getting a sniff of her hair.

"Why are you sniffing me?" Estorea fidgeted, she hasn't been hugged like this before. It felt foreign to her. Regardless, she let out a sigh and leaned back into his embrace, closing her eyes.

"I like your scent," Kieran answered, removing his arms away to play with her hair. "Do you want my soap then? The scent comes from there..." Her voice began to get softer, as her eyes got heavier by a second.

Her vision blurred, a thought appeared in her mind, 'He's not gonna ask about my behaviour at the party...? Well, I will tell him... tomorrow night or something... if he comes again..'

Kieran noticed Estorea was asleep, and he smiled. "I miss you so much, Estorea..." He gave an airily chuckle, "You can't leave my side... ever again." He buried his face into her shoulder, tears seep out of his eyes. "Now your finally back...." His heart thumped, Kieran closed his eyes.

A quiet and calming atmosphere.

It's been quite a while since he felt this relaxed before.

"That's why you can never leave my side, Estorea. I will go insane without you. If you're not by my side, then, I will follow you."

A vow of eternity.


The next morning


Memories from the previous night overwhelmed Estorea's mind as soon as she was conscious.

She heard a clink sound, and sat up to check out what it was.

There she saw, in front of her eyes, Kieran putting down two plates on a round table in her room, adding on two wine glasses filled with apple juice.

"...?" Confusion befuddled Estorea, where did Kieran get the food from?

Kieran noticed her movements, and his whole face lit up. He immediately jogged over to her, just to escort Estorea out of her bed. She took his hand, still very baffled on what was happening.

Before she knew it, she was sitting down in front of a fancy looking ceramic white plate, filled with fried eggs, bacon and boiled ham.

Estorea couldn't help but wrinkle her nose slightly with discomfort.

"Uhm... Kieran, what is this?" She asked.

"Oh! This... I send a message to my henchmen to deliver breakfast over here. You must be hungry after all!" Kieran had woke up around 7AM and immediately started to prepare breakfast for his beloved.

Such as jumping off the balcony to go meet his henchmen and sneak back into the residence after that. He also somehow managed to find an apple tree and plucked some apples off and grinded them into fresh apple juice.

And, now here we are.

"I see." Kieran handed her a fork and spoon, she took it and started digging in. It was 9AM, her daily routine was serving her sister at 10AM all the way to 9pm.

At the moment, there was no plans today. So later, Yula would probably take Estorea out to go go clothe shopping again. And act like a super, kind and generous person by giving some little coins to beggars in the slums.

She was really impressed Yula was willing to go that far in order to gain a good reputation.

As Estorea cut the bacon into half and put on in her mouth, she wandered into her thoughts as she chewed.

However, she went back to reality when she felt a warm hand touched hers. She look up and saw Kieran, looking worried. "Are you okay? You seem lost in your thoughts. Anything you want to tell me?"

Estorea widened her eyes a bit, and a small smile crept up her face. She shook her head, "No thanks. I'm just thinking I only have about an hour left before I have to go attend my duties."

Kieran frowned, his eyebrows scrunched. "Duties?" He murmured, a menacing aura flowing out from him.

Estorea nodded, putting a sliced ham in her mouth. "For what?" Kieran inquired.

"Attending to my sister." She munched on the fried egg.

"Sister? Do you mean that two-faced bitch?" Kieran asked. Estorea nodded, "How did you know she was two-faced?"

He rolled his eyes, "Isn't it obvious? Her eyes. You can't see any sincerity in them. I still have no idea how other people can tell yet." Estorea chuckled, she picked up the tea cup, sipping on the apple juice.

"Trying to tell how a person by their eyes is very difficult, you know? It's impressive you managed to tell." She complimented him

A light blush spread along his face. A compliment from Estorea! What a treasure! A big wide smile appeared on his face, highlighting the handsome features on his face.

He stared at Estorea's face, affection and love in his eyes. Ah, he could really never let her go.

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