Chapter 50

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What had happened to the three male leads?

Well, during the war, they had barely managed to escape with severe injuries.  Only to get viciously hunted down by Kieran as revenge. Leaving the crown prince alive in order to sign a document to hand over their territory to Kieran since the King and Queen was killed during the chaos of the war.

And after Kieran had got the document, immediately, he killed the crown prince immediately without any hesitation.

It was his fault that Estorea had died. Everyone... Everyone that harmed Estorea...

Should die.

With that vow, he headed off to go massacre the whole biological family of Estorea as he has already seen the fine treatment they had given to his beloved. He was very aware that it was the sister's fault that Estorea had ended up like this. So he gave her the worst death. By slowly killing and torturing her. Of course, not physically. Mentally.

Just by breaking her slowly was entertaining to Kieran but it never satisfied him. How could he ever forgive someone who had instigated Estorea's death?

He could never.




"Can you come back to me, Estorea? I got rid of all of them... So, can you please come back now?"

Cradling her severed head in his arms as he rocked back and forth.


Years later

It was raining.

An old man with faded blonde hair with grey streaks in it, and noticeably red ruby eyes, held an umbrella in his head, protecting him from the rain.

He stood in front of a grave.

"Hello, my love... Today is a bit cold and gloomy, isn't it?" He kneeled down and laid a bouquet of white lilies.

"How are you today? Are you doing alright?" He whispered. Talking to the gravestone.

But no matter how much he talked, all he got in was silence.

He stared at the gravestone and touched it lightly. "Don't date other guys, okay? You can only be with me. Don't worry, I'm joining you soon. I will make sure you never leave my side again."

He sat down next to the gravestone and leaned against it, looking up at the sky, and took a vial out of his pocket.

He popped open the vial and drank the liquid. Placing the umbrella in the ground, he let the water droplets trickle down his face.

Finally, a slight smile crossed his face and his eyes fluttered close as his arms fell to the side.


"FATHER!" A young man screamed, seeing his father's limp body next to a gravestone. This was the current King, an adopted son of the previous King.

His eyes filled with tears as he trembled, looking at his lifeless body. He didn't know what to do. Everything seemed too much for him.

His legs suddenly lost strength and he fell to the ground, tears soaking his vest. "Father..." Tears kept falling, he glanced at the gravestone. "Of course... It's her." He picked up the empty vial.

"My mother... It's always been her. You always loved her so much, refusing to get another partner."

The young man didn't know who to blame. He couldn't blame anyone. His father was only 50 years old. His father had adopted him when he was 6 years old, 20 years had passed and his father had just passed down his throne to him a few months ago.

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