Chapter 33

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Estorea entered the study as usual, it had become her hangout spot in the kingdom, it was comfy, cooling and quiet. A perfect place to read a book!

A book was tucked under her shoulder as she headed to sit down on the sofa when she felt someone's arms wrap around her neck. "Rea!" Kieran exclaimed joyfully.

Estorea raised an eyebrow, and slowly removed his arms from her neck. "Yes?" She questioned.

Suddenly, a gift box was shoved in her arms. Surprised, she blinked confusingly. "Uh... What's this for...?" 

"Anniversary gift!" Kieran exclaimed with stars in his eyes, resembling how a child would act.

"What...? Anniversary for what?" 

Kieran pouted, crossing his arms, "Partnership Anniversary! It's gonna be the second year soon!" 

Estorea widened her eyes, today... Was the last day she would visit him. Ah, thank god he reminded her!

She smiled, "Thanks for reminding me!" 

Kieran trembled slightly seeing her smile, "No problem..." He mumbled, acting shy.

"I might leave earlier today, maybe in 2 hours, today is the last day I can come here after all."

Now this time, it was Kieran's turn to go into shock. That's right... Estorea said she wasn't coming back here anymore after 2 years...

Suddenly, his eyes darkened and his frown deepened, as a stifling feeling filled his heart. "Is that so...?" He uttered. He really didn't like what she said.

It... really made him angry. 

"Now that I think about it... You never told me the reason..." Kieran said, walking to the sofa, sitting down. 

Estorea followed him, "Hard to explain, no worries. I will still be sending letters if I can." 

"Is it a lover? Engagement? Fiancé?" Kieran asked. 

Estorea shook her head, opening her book, she could feel that Kieran was mad, but she didn't know why. And she wasn't going to pry. 

She should just keep quiet and answer his questions to the best ability she can.

"Estorea, I'm feeling a bit lonely right now. Can I cuddle with you?" Kieran smiled gently, his arms wide open.

"... Sure." 

'Kieran would definitely be scary if he got angry. I can just tell.' 

She sat on his lap, and continued to read her book. She felt his arms wrap around her waist, she wasn't used to physical touches but she didn't feel uncomfortable in his embrace so she just comfortably leaned back on him.

Kieran's heart beat, he felt extremely comforted with Estorea in his arms. Normally, he wouldn't be this shameless, but it was her last day here. 

And it's not like he can leave the kingdom unless on official matters since he's always too busy taking care of things. So do what they say, make the best out of everything. And that was exactly what he was doing.

It was the first time he got this close to her, and he felt like he had gotten everything he wanted in his life... Funny that it came from just hugging someone it likes. 

But it didn't bother him, if such simple things could make him so blissful. He couldn't ask for anything more.

However, as one gains some happiness, it gradually becomes... addicting.

And Kieran didn't notice it now, how much Estorea would mean to him. He thought it was simply just some fleeting feelings, some infatuation that would eventually go away. 

So he bathed in it, since it was the first time he felt such a thing.

Alas, how deep he would fall in.

To the feeling that acted like a  two-edged sword.



"You know, you don't have to accompany me all the way here to give me a farewell." Estorea sighed, Kieran clutching her hand as they waited in line, along with Aelia glaring at him, with Yosa behind her, playing with her hair.

"It's the last day we will see each other in person! I simply must come here to give you a wonderful farewell!" Kieran exclaimed, hiding the painful stabbing feeling he felt everytime they slowly got closer to the entrance.

He really... Just wanted some accident to happen right now. To prevent Estorea from leaving.

But it didn't come through, they got to the gates. And before Kieran could register, he was waving his hand in the distance where Estorea had disappeared off to.

He gritted his teeth, clenching his fist.

But controlled his anger, and took a deep breath.

"Let's just head back. I will see her... Soon." 


Estorea, Aelia and Yosa reached home. Aelia bid Yosa goodbye as she followed her mistress in the mansion, Haigu was waiting at the entrance and his face lit up as he saw Estorea, his young miss.

He scampered up to her, taking her shawl off her neck along with her hat. "Young miss, dinner has been prepared, please head into the dining room." 

Estorea nodded.

After she finished eating, she took a quick bath and went to bed. 

Tomorrow... was the day, her role was going to be played.

As the puppet of the main villainess, her step-sister would be coming here tomorrow. 

To use this dear sister of hers for her goals.

It was inevitable, as it was stated in the book. That she had been introduced to society a few months after she turned 18 due to her meeting her sister.

She unfortunately can't turn back, as according to the plot, that is what she must do.

From tomorrow onwards, everything was out of her will. And she could only follow orders.

Estorea sighed, she definitely wasn't excited. Who would? 

Why couldn't she have transmigrated into one of those other novels or something? Where the protagonist literally didn't need to follow the plot. 

This was simply ridiculous, Estorea complained silently. 

'Ah, that's right. Haigu and Aelia... I forgot, I need to tell them... tonight. I hope they won't get too much of a shock. I was dreading this moment. Ugh.' 

Estorea groaned, she didn't want to reveal this, she always had kept it a secret in order to prevent them from going into shock, which she currently just did not need right now. Would the plot exclude them? Or include them? 

That was what she was worried about.

Never mind that, she needs to call them now before the next day starts, and she will be officially gone. 

Author's Note: 

Oh my god, this chapter sounded so fucking poetic. What the fuck.

By the way, would you guys mind this little notes?

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