Chapter 43

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5 months have passed since Estorea's debut. And once again, she was called to her father's office to discuss something.

"Good morning, father. Why have you called upon my presence?" Estorea greeted him politely. He nodded, not giving any greetings back. Going straight to business, he picked up some documents and passed them to Estorea to read. "In two weeks, you will be attending the same school as your sister." He explained.

However, he then added an extra point, "You are not allowed to make a fool of yourself nor can you ruin your sister's impression. Just lie low and listen to whatever your sister says, okay?" Estorea nodded, an accepting look on her face.

Although, her thoughts said otherwise. 'Bitch.'

"You're free to go then."

Estorea curtsied and excused herself from the room.


2 weeks later


"Sister Yula, are you ready?" Estorea's face lit up as she saw her sister approaching, neatly dressed in the school's uniform. Estorea had finished dressing up first and decided to wait for her sister by the carriage.

Yula gently smiled and nodded, the carriage door swung open and both of them step in. Estorea sat on one side while Yula sat on the opposite side.

Estorea twiddled her thumbs, feeling rather nervous. While Yula simply looked out the window.

After a good 5 minutes, Yula finally turned to look at her sister and stared at her actions, a worried look emerged from her face as she asked, "Are you okay?"

Estorea squeezed her hand, she shook her head, "I'm just really nervous..."

Yula smiled and placed a hand over hers, "Don't worry, I will introduce you to my friends. They're really nice, and I'm sure they will welcome you."

Estorea took a sigh of relief and nodded, "Thank you. I appreciate that very much." At least I won't be alone!

'I'm about to gag.' She thought, actually sulking on the inside.

Soon, they arrived at the school, the carriage door open as Yula gracefully walked out, maintaining her elegance. Estorea cautiously followed, making sure she didn't mess up a single step.

And quickly followed after Yula, who was heading to a group of girls who were chatting among themselves.

"Yula! You finally arrived... Is that your sister behind you?" A beautiful lady with sky-blue hair and emerald eyes smiled at Estorea. Yula smiled in return, she tugged her hand to go forward.

Estorea gulped and slowly stepped forward, she gave a small curtsy, a shy look on her face.

And then, it began.


2 years have passed officially.

And over the past 3 months that Estorea was at school, she was basically used as a servant, running back and forth to complete orders that were under the lie, 'We're friends right?'

Of course, Estorea knew that they were using her, and if she could, she wouldn't listen to their bodies. But her body just moved on her own, she hated it. Because everywhere she went around school, she heard rumours from left to right.

How it was so obvious that she was being used as a servant, however, they still blindly thought that Yula wasn't the one ordering her around and her friends instead. And that Yula was too afraid to stand up against them, so she remained silent. Which they completely accept?

Like, Estorea was baffled when she heard that. Did they have like no logic or something...? Oh wait, there were people like that in her world. The ones who support and love someone despite doing obviously not good things.

Those people were idiotic, and it seems like there's a lot of them at this school. It was no wonder that Yula always managed to have a good reputation for being the kind, beautiful older sister. She just acted pitiful and scared when she was asked why her sister was being used and ordered around.

In response to that, people became sympathetic for her, and comforted her, saying it was okay. Ignoring someone else's troubles and pain entirely just to be sympathetic. Well, people do like beautiful things. Estorea couldn't blame them, the more beautiful Or good-looking you are in this world, people would treat you better unconsciously.

Such is the nature of the human will.


Estorea turns 19, graduating from school and entering into high society officially, constantly following her sister around to parties and banquets while also following her commands to bully the other lower nobles, and she had successfully turned into her sister's puppet. She was now avoided and hated due to her actions that were organised by her sister, which Estorea paid no mind to. Since the most concerning thing was that the heroine was going to cause an up stir in society.

'The heroine should have already met with the prince...' Estorea thought.

"Estorea, have you heard the recent rumours?" Yula suddenly spoke up. Estorea turn to face her sister and shook her head. "No, dear sister. What is it?"

Yula sighed, twirling a hair strand around her finger, "It seems a little pest has been seen around the crown prince..." She looked at Estorea in the eyes, "And you know how I feel about pests getting near the crown prince, right?" Her voice lowering slightly. Estorea trembled slightly and nodded. "Yes, dear sister. What do you wish for me to do to her?"

"As usual, disgrace her for me at the banquet we're going to tomorrow, you will listen to me, right?" Estorea silently nodded. "Of course, I could never disobey, dear sister."

Yula giggled, "That's what I like to hear! Oh, also another recent news I have heard, is that there's a new noble around the kingdom. And he seems to have quite a bit of power... I can't wait to have another one fall to my charms, I'm not called the White Flower for nothing."

Many nobles were infatuated with Yula, of course, causing envy and jealously among the noble ladies, but they didn't dare to go against Yula. Along with the fact that they would feel guilty too. Since Yula was always kind to everyone. And being rude to her was like a death sentence in society.

'Man, tomorrow will be fun indeed...'

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