Chapter 25

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Estorea stared up at the two-story red brick building. There was a huge wooden sign with the words - 'Adventurer's Guild' in gold engraved onto it.

"Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild!" Aelia introduced with a wide smile on her face. An aura of happiness surrounded the air around her as she did a dramatic gesture.

It was obvious she seemed very joyful here.

"Aelia." A calm light-toned feminine voice called out to her. 

Estorea turned around to see two girls.

Both had pale-white skin, waist length haired and was dressed in similar clothing in opposing colours wearing black getas.

The girl on the left had styled silky white long hair, a kitsune mask covering her face with a heavy-looking kimono with black and grey flowers embroidered on. A golden ribbon was attached to her chest, standing out from the palette of black and white.

The girl on the right had the same exact hairstyle as the girl on the left, her hair being a midnight raven black  and a black kitsune mask covering the upper part of her face, her thin crimson lips sticking out. Her outfit was similar with it only being black in colour and a red ribbon falling out. In her hands held a black kiseru, smoke rising from the golden tip.

Himani - on the leftYumino - on the right The girls' appearances Adventurer Rank A[Credit: @oym730 - Twitter]

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Himani - on the left
Yumino - on the right
The girls' appearances 
Adventurer Rank A
[Credit: @oym730 - Twitter]


"Oh! Hello Yumino and Himani! You two look as beautiful and flawless as ever!" Aelia smiled as she complimented them.

The girls made their way over to them, elegance emitting in their every step.

"I see you look well, Aelia." The white girl commented, a light smile on her face. 

"Yep! How about you Himani? Are you doing okay? I can't really tell with that mask on your face." 

A light small laugh escaped her lips, "That is indeed so." 

Aelia turned to look at the black haired girl this time, which Estorea thought to be Yumino. "How about you?"

Her beautiful crimson lips curled up into an arc, "Of course I'm doing well. Now, if I may so ask... Who's that girl behind you? Is she going to become an adventurer?" 

Aelia nodded, "Yep! This is-"

"My name is Estrey. It's a pleasure to meet you." Estorea hastily intervened. How careless of her, it seems she had somehow forgotten to inform Aelia that she would be going under another alias.

Thankfully, Aelia quickly got the gist and nodded. "Yup! She's Estrey, she wanted to become an adventurer because she wants to travel the neighbouring kingdom." 

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