In love

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"Yes Yeonjun" soobin smiled up at his boyfriend who lay beside him.

"I love you"

Soobin smiled widely "I love you 2" he leaned up and peaked his boyfriends lips.



kai's scream pierced through Soobin's and taehyun's ears.

"Aish kai shush I don't want to be deaf before I reach 19" taehyun grabbed his ears.


"shut the fuck up before I cut your tongue out and feed it to my dog" taehyun grabbed his chin.

Kai's eyes widened and he grabbed his tongue.

"Good" taehyun smiled.

"So soobin spill" taehyun then turned to face soobin.

"Well know" like déjà vu soobin made the action with his fingers again.

"YOU HAD SEX!!" Kai screamed again.

"WHAT DID I SAY!!" Taehyun screamed back at him.

Kai cowered away then spoke up again anyways.

"So are you going to officially come out now?"

"I-umm...I can't do that I'm not ready" soobin shyly answered.

"Ugh but soobin don't you think it's unfair on yeonjun having to watch you go out with girls?" Kai made a point.

"I know I know but I'm- but I can't" soobin lowered his head.

"As long as Yeonjun is okay with it I guess it's fine" taehyun smiled.

Soobin nodded.

"Hey don't be sad bud someone just admitted they're in love with you" taehyun laughed.

Soobin chuckled. "Yh you're right...wanna watch a movie?"

"Um yes" taehyun and Kai both replied simultaneously.


Back at school and Yeonjun laid his head on the table as he watched a girl once again try to get in soobin's pants.

He sighed and shook his head slowly.

"Hey junnie if you hate it so much why don't you just tell soobin" beomgyu's voice tuned into yeonjuns ears as he sat down beside him.

Yeonjun sat up. "I can't tell him BG if he isn't ready to come out I can't force him"

"But you're suffering" beomgyu frowned.

"Better me than him" Yeonjun sighed again

Beomgyu shook his head and went off to collect his lunch.

Leaving Yeonjun to reflect on his words and watch the conversation unfold with soobin and who ever was trying to chat him up.


"You look adorable when you sleep you know that" Yeonjun smiled down at his boyfriend who just awoke from a small nap while lying in his arms.

Soobin blushed.

"You missed the rest of the movie"

Soobin frowned. "Aw god damn it"

Yeonjun chuckled. "Well I ain't watching it again come on let's go get some food"

The boys trailed down the stairs and Yeonjun cooked up some ramen for them to eat.

"Yeonjun do you hate that I haven't come out yet?" Soobin randomly spoke up.

Yeonjun turned around giving full attention on his boyfriends serious question.

"What? Why would you say that?"

"I don't know I just don't you get mad at me when girls flirt with me. Or when you can't hold my hand in public and kiss me when we part ways" soobin lowered his head staring at the table.

"Hey now" Yeonjun crouched down beside him and raised his chin. "I don't care about all that okay. I mean yes of course I'd love to kiss you and tell the world you're mine but if you aren't ready why would I push you. Trust me binnie I don't mind so stop worrying okay?" Yeonjun smiled.

Soobin nodded. "Okay sorry for asking"

"It's okay thankyou for your concern"

Yeonjun and soobin stay staring at each other for a few moments.

Till soobin sniffed up. "Yeonnie. Do you smell that"

They both sniffed up.

"SHIT THE RAMEN" Yeonjun gasped then got up to turn off the stove.

While soobin laughed at Yeonjun trying to scrap burnt ramen off the pan.



I'm back I hope you had a merry Christmas or happy holiday If you don't celebrate.

Update on presents My sister bought me a fake ENHYPEN merch jumper☺️

Also the part at the top is what happened at the end of last chapter (I didn't even finish writing it yet aha) which was just a smut chapter for all you who didn't want to read it just skip it and read from here.

Until next time ❤️x

I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now