All relationships heal

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It was now 6pm and the 2 had just got back from their visit. Jake and Heeseung decided to stay for the weekend since it's been so long since they saw them.

So Yeonjun and soobin were alone.

The whole ride back.

They walked back to the neighbourhood they knew well.

The wind and chatter of others was all that was heard the entire way home until soobin decided to say something.

"W-why did you hold my hand?"

Yeonjun took a moment before looking over at him.

"I don't know. I guess something about seeing they way they acted made me miss you" he admitted.

Soobin's eyes widened at the confession.

"I know I did an awful thing and I hurt you really bad and for that I'll never forgive myself but Yeonjun." He grabbed his hands as the now faced each other. "I still love you and I still want you so much."

Yeonjun had a questioning look on his face.

"My brain wants one thing, and my heart wants another."

"Well can they come to an agreement?" Soobin smiled.

Yeonjun looked into Soobin's eyes.

Before shaking his head.

"Ah fuck it"

And he attached their lips. Both boys felt fireworks and flutters in their stomach. The kiss felt just as good as the first and they realised just how much they missed the closeness and the kisses.

The kiss deepened before Yeonjun finally pulled away.

He sighed. "Fuck, you really know how to suck me In don't you Choi soobin"


"Okay but I can't get back with him that quickly right? He hurt me!"

"Then don't get back with him"

"But he's so sweet and I miss him so much"

"Then get back with him"

"But on the other hand he could just leave again"

"Then don't get back with him"

"But then- beomgyu are you even paying attention?"

Yeonjun was walking back and forth in his room while beomgyu lay on his bed texting his boyfriend.

"Of course I am go on" beomgyu didn't look up from his phone.

"Ugh you're so helpless" Yeonjun marched out of his room.


"I think he wants to get back with me guys!" Soobin cheered while he sat on the sofa with taehyun and hueningkai.

"Omggg soobin!! That's great!!" Kai screamed.

"I know I know he kissed me yesterday" soobin blushed remembering the kiss.

"AHHHHHHHH TAE ARE YOU HEARING THIS!!!!" Kai continued to scream.

"Yh Yh back together kissing Yh Yh" taehyun mumbled while looking down at this phone.

"Stop texting your dumbass boyfriend and pay attention" kai ripped his phone from his hands.

"Hey! Give it back" taehyun launched himself at Kai and soobin tried to escape the chaos.

"Omg stop" soobin pushed them off the sofa and a wrestling match broke out on the living room floor.

As hueningkai's dolphin scream echoed throughout the house Soobin's mum entered the house.

"Ahh Kai shush my ears" she called out as she entered the living room seeing the two boys scrapping on the floor while soobin turned to look at his mum with a nervous chuckle.

"Why are they fighting?" She asked with a laugh.

"Kai took his phone because he wasnt listening to my story about how Yeonjun kissed me-

Soobin widened his eyes as he realised what just slipped out.

"Oh hunny why don't you tell me all about it I'm delighted to know about this boy you're so fond of" she smiled as he put her keys down and sat down beside her son.

The two boys fighting on the ground now stopped giving each other the same look as they got themselves up off the floor.

"Well thanks for having us soobin but we should head home goodbye mrs choi" taehyun bid his farewell as did Kai and they left the Choi residence.

"Soobin you know I accept you you're my son I accepted you before you left I was just shocked my only child was gay and I'm so sorry I should have said something before forgive me I love you" Soobin's mum started spewing out.

"Mum mum it's okay thanks for accepting me and you're forgiven I love you two" soobin smiled and they both got trapped in a warm embrace.

Soobin couldn't be happier right now. His friends love him, his parents accept him, and his relationship with Yeonjun is healing.

All they had to do now is get back together.


Hello 👋

Sorry for the long update wait :(

I'm in the mood to write again so I'm updating once again.

Bad news however I'm not sure how many chapters this has left but I know it's not many :(( I've loved this story and I love all of you who have interacted with me or even just read the story. So Thankyou all


Until next time ❤️x

I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now