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The following week~

Soobin had noticed Yeonjun sat next to him in class the whole rest of the week. He had no idea why he's a weirdo with 2 friends.

Yeonjun and him had a few conversations during class and soobin's crush got even bigger he didn't think it was possible. Oh gosh I hope he never finds out. The only thing that could make this worse is if he wanted to spend even more time with me.

"Hey soobin I noticed you're pretty good at English could you help me study?"


Okay don't freak out.

"Uhmm s-sure" soobin answered.

"Great! Well how about you meet me at the park just round the corner from kookies'n'creams tomorrow after school?"


At least it's a public place-

"Sounds perfect" soobin smiled awkwardly.

"Just what I wanted to hear okay I'll see you later bye" Yeonjun stood up from his seat as the bell rang to signal the end of lesson while soobin stay sat confused at the whole interaction.


"You asked him out!" Beomgyu raised his eyebrows. "Isn't he straight?"

"I don't know I didn't ask him out I asked him to help me study" Yeonjun defended himself.

"Uhm hello that's the definition of I want to fuck you! Have you never seen a romcom before" beomgyu rolled his eyes.

"Oh whatever I wanted to shoot my shot okay he's so cute and adorable I want to spend more time with him I just want to study no fucking involved" Yeonjun folded his arms.

"Yh well let's hope he doesn't get the idea of you want to fuck since he's sat with taehyun and we share the same brain cell" beomgyu pointed in there direction.

"He WHAT!! Omg he totally wants to fuck!" Taehyun screamed out.

"Ughhh shit" Yeonjun let his head face plant the table.

"Woah what's going on here then?" Felix's voice was heard from next to him.

"Yeonjun just asked a guy if he wants to fuck" beomgyu informed.

"I DID NOT!" He shot his head up.

"Okay slow down what was the situation?" Felix replied sitting down along side hyunjin who arrived with him.

"Okay so I asked a guy if they wanted to study with me"

"Yh that's an invitation to fuck" hyunjin nodded his head.

"But- I- Ugh you guys suck" Yeonjun stood up and left the cafeteria.

"Hey wait we didn't ask you who it was yet" Felix yelled as he existed.


Soobin paced back and forth in his room as Kai and taehyun sat on his bed watching him.

"You're giving me a headache will you please sit down" taehyun grabbed soobin stopped him from moving.

"A-are you sure he wants know..." soobin did the action with his fingers.


Kai smacked taehyun before he could finish.
"No he said he wants to study so that's what you will do beside you're in a public park who would fuck there"

Taehyun rolled his eyes to the side and looked away slightly clearing his throat.

"Oh my- you- TAEHYUN!" Kai widened his eyes.

"What don't judge me okay beomgyu can get really horny sometimes" he defended.

"Gross" soobin spoke up.

"Aish shut it virgin"

"Ouch" Kai hit him again.


Yeonjun wondered back and forth while beomgyu sat on his bed watching him.

"Could you stop you're giving me a headache"

"Aishhh w-what if he actually thinks I want fuck him" Yeonjun pulled at his hair.

"Look you hardly know each other he probably thinks nothing of it and besides when you meet him tomorrow just tell him you ONLY want to study. Besides he's straight anyways" beomgyu answered.

Yeonjun huffed.

"I mean we're in a public park who's gunna fuck there" yeonjun smiled.

Beomgyu coughed.

"You- BG! What the fuck"

"Hey don't judge me taehyun can be really horny sometimes" he defended.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes in response.


I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now