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He kissed him....

He kissed soobin....

This was all that was on yeonjuns mind.

And he couldn't concentrate on anything else.

Like when he kissed his boyfriend all he thought about was how his lips weren't soobin's.

Or when he cuddled him his frame didn't sit as perfect as soobin's.

He didn't know how to act around him anymore..

He just wished soobin didn't fuck everything up.

He should break up with Heeseung it's not fair on him.

He should let him be happy with someone else and not have a boyfriend who thinks about another boy and cheats on him.

But then he looks into his soft eyes and remembers how sweet and amazing he is.

Gosh he didn't know what to do.

And it was crushing him.

"Or or we could go watch a movie!" Heeseung excitedly spoke trying to get Yeonjun excited or the least bit occupied in him.

"No? Umm we could go get lunch?"

But Yeonjun didn't react at all.

He just sat staring at the ground.

"Ugh you know what I'm gunna go get lunch you can stay here" Heeseung finally gave up and walked out.

Yeonjun looked over at the front door that was just closed and he sighed.

He needed to let him go.

It's not fair to keep him stuck in a relationship when Yeonjun has so many problems to deal with.

"Ugh god I sound like soobin" Yeonjun spoke to himself then got off the sofa and walked to the kitchen.



"Ah yes yes my ears stop screaming"

Soobin was currently sat in his living room explaining what happened to hueningKai and taehyun.

"But then he rushed away and he still has my jacket I like that jacket" soobin frowned.


"SO HELP ME SCREAM AGAIN I WILL SUFFOCATE YOU WITH THIS PILLOW!" Taehyun screamed back holding the pillow he was resting on his lap In the air.

"Sorry sorry" Kai whispered then zipped his mouth shut with his fingers.

"Okay I say just give him some time he needs to think about this he just kissed you while having a boyfriend. He's got some shit to figure out and damn am I glad I'm not in his situation" taehyun explained.

"Yh you're right. He said he still loves me the other day though" soobin smiled with his teeth.



Taehyun dived on top of Kai and began to shove the pillow in his face while Kai muffed screams.

Soobin just shook his head as he sat and watched as his friends wrestled on the ground.


A few days had passed and Yeonjun tried his hardest to avoid soobin at school.

Even during lessons he wouldn't make eye contact or even look in soobin's direction.

So when the end of another school day was over he thought he escaped soobin once again.

But of course that didn't happen.

Because soobin stepped out in-front of him right before he existed the school gate.

Sighing Yeonjun closed his eyes before reopening them and looking into soobin's.

"Can I help you?"

"You can't keep avoiding me okay we need to talk about it" soobin spoke softly.

"Talk about what I don't know what you mean can I go home now?" Yeonjun tried to step out of the way but soobin stepped in the same direction stopping him once again.

"You know what Yeonjun please" soobin begged.

"What do you want me to say soobin huh? Want me to admit that I cheated on my boyfriend because I'm still completely in love with you?" Yeonjun rushed out.

Unaware that someone was a few metres behind him and just about to jump on his back and surprise him.

"Yeonjun?" A broken voice was heard.

Soobin looked over yeonjuns shoulder bit his lip looking down at his shoes.

Yeonjuns mouth went ajar as he closed his eyes and turned around to face his probably soon to be ex boyfriend.

"Please tell me I just heard you wrong. You didn't actually just say that" tears formed at his saddened eyes.

Yeonjun shook his head. " I-I can explain okay j-just let me explain"

"I think you said everything right then. Y-you cheated on m-me-

"I didn't mean-

"You k-know you c-could have j-just t-told me t-that y-you not o-only l-liked him s-still but l-loved him. Instead o-of just using m-me as a f-fuck rebound" Heeseung cried.

He then pushed passed him and ran home.

"Heeseung!" Yeonjun screamed as tears fell from his eyes.

He turned to soobin in anger.

"I BET YOU FUCKING KNEW HE WAS THERE DIDNT YOU! YOU WANTED HIM TO HEAR!" Yeonjun yelled at him as he pushed his chest and ran after his boyfriend while tears flowed down his cheeks.

Soobin sighed and shook his head.

"No. I actually didn't know he was there"  he spoke to himself

He then proceeded to walk home in a failed attempt to talk to Yeonjun and a sadness as to how his relationship just got crushed by his doing.


Hello 👋

Welp that didn't end well.

Next chapter we shall see how their relationship ship goes.

Will it end? Or will it fix?

Until next time ❤️x

I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now