Breakups and ???

874 36 25

After the fight yeonjun chased his boyfriend until he finally got him to stop outside the all too familiar park.

"I should I have known you weren't over him before we got together. The way you stared at this bench like you were longing for it to bring the memory back." Heeseung stopped and whispered


"There's nothing for you to say Yeonjun" Heeseung turned around to face his boyfriend.
"And that's okay"

"I don't understand" Yeonjun stared at his boyfriend in confusion.

"I'm not mad at you Fox, just disappointed that you couldn't admit it to yourself"

"Admit what I- you're confusing me why aren't you yelling at me telling me I fucked up" Yeonjun pulled at his hair.

"Jun it's okay I knew the day he came back you still loved him. I kept waiting for you to break things off with me and go running back to him. But you never did. I guess me finding out and confirming it this way was just a way for me to break it off with you" Heeseung explained calming as silent tears gripped down his face.

"No we don't need to break things off I...I just need time to- h-he's just confusing me-

"Yeonjun it's not fair on me or you to keep stuck in this relationship. I need to move on and you need to figure out what you really want"

"I don't want to lose you Heeseung" Yeonjun whispered.

"You won't silly. We can still be friends" Heeseung smiled.

Yeonjun nodded his head in agreement. Truth be told he knew what was best and he knew keeping Heeseung in this relationship is a bad idea when Yeonjun clearly likes someone else.

"Okay. Friends"

They both smiled at each other and then hugged.


"I totally fucked up kai!" Soobin cried on his friends shoulder.

"Now now you big baby you didn't fuck up anything he just needs time to Sort things out with Heeseung" Kai pat his friends head.

"Yh I mean his boyfriend did just find out Yeonjun loves you and not him that's gotta sting" taehyun spoke up from the bottom of the bed as he sat watching the other two cuddle.

"But w-what if h-he does l-love Heeseung a-and now they a-are happy together. I don't wanna lose him yunnie" soobin cried.

"I can't handle this want a drink huening?" Taehyun asked as he hopped off the bed.

Kai nodded his head. "Yes please I'll take some grape juice"

Taehyun gave a short nod then left the room.

"Jake was so much more useful than you guys" soobin shook his head.

And Kai smacked him. "Dickhead"


Arriving back at school the next day soobin was confused as to if their relationship was resolved or not.

He saw them walking together but they didn't hold hands, then didn't walk too close to each other and they didn't give a goodbye kiss.

Soobin wanted to ask but In all honesty he didn't know where he stood with Yeonjun.

He was mad at him during their last interaction. Plus his relationship has nothing to do with soobin.

But soobin was extremely curious and that's why when English came around he couldn't sit in silence any longer.

"Is everything alright?"

Yeonjun turned to face him. "Umm Yh I guess so"

"Good good, I guess you're still together then that's good"

"No actually we broke up" Yeonjun admitted.

Soobin smiled inside.

"Oh I'm so sorry are you okay?" Soobin frowned.

"Yh Yh fine we both knew it was for the best" Yeonjun smiled.

Soobin nodded his head and that's were they left the conversation.

Not knowing both of them where thinking of each other the rest of the lesson.


Yeonjun wanted to speak to soobin.

He wanted sweet words to be spoken to him again.

He wanted to be held again.

He wanted to be kissed again.

He wanted to not miss him anymore.

So after his last class finished he wanted to find soobin before he left the school.

He couldn't risk going to his house.

He rushed out of his classroom and down the corridor.

He checked to see if soobin happened to by some miracle be in his classroom still. Which he wasn't.

He pulled his head out of the classroom and began fast pacing towards the exit of the school.

When he finally reached the doors he pulled them open and their he saw soobin walking down the path outside of school.

Yeonjun quickly ran out of the school gates and turned the corner.

He was just about to call out to him when he heard a voice that wasn't his own call out to him.


Soobin headed out of the school gates with a small smile on his face.

He turned a corner and walked down the street.

His head raised from the ground when he head a voice call out.


Soobin looked at the figure the voice escaped from.

He gasped and his smile became wider.


Hello I'm back.

So who do you think called out to soobin?

And what do you think of Yeonjun and heeseungs break up?

Until next time ❤️x

I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now