Yeonjuns jealousy

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Soobin looked at the figure the voice escaped from.

He gasped and his smile became wider.


Soobin ran to his friend and Jake captured him in an embrace.

"Oh my god I've missed you so much jakey W-what are you doing here?" Soobin pulled apart from the hug.

"Well we're on break so I thought why not come and visit my favourite person" Jake smiled.

"Awhh thanks bud well school just ended you wanna go catch up over some coffee?" Soobin smiled.

Jake nodded his head eagerly and pulled soobin by the hand.


Yeonjun watched as soobin yelled his name back at him...Jake....Jake?...that name seems familiar.

He watched in jealousy as he ran towards him and gave him a hug.

He was too far away to hear what was being said and he didn't want to be caught ease-dropping so he took one last look at them before turning around and heading home.

Hopefully he could talk to soobin tomorrow.

He arrived home and took a seat at the dinning table once he took his shoes off.

He sighed and put his head in his hand.

"Oh hunny what was that for" Yeonjun mum walked into the room.

"Huh, oh nothing just a stressful day, stressful fucking life" Yeonjun slugged further into his hand.

"Awhh my poor baby you want to talk about it?" She asked while standing behind him and stroking his hair.

"Just soobin, Heeseung everything's just messed up" he sighed again.

"Let me guess you still like soobin and you don't want to hurt Heeseung"

Yeonjun turned around to face her.

"Well actually I still love soobin and Heeseung already found out and broke up with me"

"Oh...I'm sorry" she frowned.

"Don't be sorry it was the right thing to do I couldn't keep him trapped in a relationship when I'm thinking off someone else. We're still friends though" Yeonjun gave a small smile

"Oh that's good, so are you going to get back with soobin?" She asked smiling back.

"I'm not sure, he did hurt me but I do miss him" Yeonjun shrugged.

"Well I think if you love him that much and he loves you you'll get through it" she patted his head then walked out.

Leaving Yeonjun to think about what he should do next.


The next day Yeonjun looked for the best opportunity to talk to soobin. He was always with his friends and he didn't really want to speak to him In class when it's personal and he didn't want to whisper it over the teacher.

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