Surpise visits

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Monday came around and Yeonjun wanted to keep soobin's wish so by doing so he didn't interact with him anymore than they would do before. Even though he wanted to. He really wanted to run up behind him and give him a huge back hug when he saw him stood by his locker alone.

But he couldn't. Because others would see.

So instead he walked by without looking at him.

Class time came and Yeonjun sat beside him as usual. They smiled at each other then got on with work.

After class they didn't walk to the cafeteria together like they had done a few times before.

Yeonjun went and sat with his friends. And soobin went and sat with his.

Yeonjun looked over at soobin lost in thought.

"So what's going on with you guys?" Felix's voice came out of nowhere.

"Huh?" Yeonjun focused back on the conversation happening at his table.

"You and him. What happened?" He asked again.

"W-what do you mean what happened nothing happened why would something have happened" Yeonjun rushed out in worry.

"Woah chill i don't know you just didn't talk in class today and you didn't walk here together I just figured you argued or something" Felix explained.


Yeonjun had spent so much time trying not to expose them, Even though they weren't dating or anything anyways, he didn't even realise he'd actually avoided soobin more than usual.

And now he felt bad.

"I didn't even realise I didn't talk to him much" Yeonjun answered casually.

"Oh okay then. So anyways as I was saying...

Yeonjun went back to zoning out.


Soobin knows Yeonjun is just trying his best but it's making it a little too obvious.

And now his friends won't stop asking questions.

"What happened!!"

"Omg why isn't he speaking to you!!"

"Did you fight!"

"Did you give him a bad blowy?"

"Tae!" Kai slapped him.

"Nothing happened guys chill" soobin answered.

"Hmm okay well pretend we believe you" Kai nodded his head in suspicion.

"And I'll pretend that didn't just offend me" soobin gave a tight smile.


After school soobin unexpectedly knocked on a certain someone's door.

Opening the door Yeonjun was surprised to see soobin standing at his doorstep.

"Oh soobin what are you doing here"

"I missed you" he smiled warmly.

And this time it was yeonjuns turn to blush.

"Well come on in then" Yeonjun opened the door wider and stepped out of the way.

"Sorry for turning up unannounced" soobin apologised.

"Don't be sorry it was a pleasant surprise" Yeonjun smiled.

They walked up to yeonjuns room. Soobin sat down on his bed while Yeonjun stuck with his desk chair.

"Worried I'm going to attack you?" Soobin questioned.

"More like worried I won't be able to control myself" yeonjun smirked.

Soobin walked over to him and stop in between Yeonjun legs.

He lead over to his ear and whispered "what if I don't want you too?" Then pulled away.

Now Yeonjun was not expecting that.

"Hmm wasn't expecting that to come out of your mouth you bad boy" he smirked again.

Soobin bit his lip and blushed.

"Don't bite your lip you look so innocent"

Soobin flushed even harder.

"Fine, if you aren't going to stop guess I'll have to do it for you" Yeonjun pulled on his lip then placed his own upon it.

Soobin instantly melted into the kiss and Yeonjun pulled him onto his lap.

Yeonjun licked over soobin's bottom lip asking for entrance when soobin didn't respond Yeonjun bit down on his lip releasing a muffled moan from soobin and Yeonjun took that opportunity to slide his tongue in which only increased the pleasure of the kiss.

Soobin slowly rocked back on yeonjun which made him release a grunt.

After a few moments longer of kissing soobin felt Yeonjun beginning to get hard which alerted him and he pulled away from the kiss and jumped off his lap.

"Oh...I... sorry...I'!" Soobin ran out of yeonjuns room once again.

Yeonjun sighed looking down at his hardened dick. "Fuck sake man. Stupid horny fucker"

A moment later soobin bursts back through the room.

"Oh by the way you wanna be my boyfriend?"

Yeonjun smiled widely and nodded. "Of course I would you big silly"

Soobin grinned. "Okay,then I'll see you tomorrow" he walked out again then hopped back not a second later "boyfriend" then finally left for good.

Leaving Yeonjun a smiling mess.


It's almost 2am...why don't I ever sleep💀

I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now