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It was Saturday night and soobin was getting ready to go out with Jennie.

Yeonjun had spent all day with him but left to 'let him get ready' When really he had to leave because he couldn't bare the thought that soobin was getting ready for a date with someone who wasn't him. They hadn't even been on a date yet and they were dating!

Soobin looked in the mirror unknowing if he had dressed up correctly or if he'd dressed up too much.

So he called a friend once again.

This time Kai first is he wouldn't get pissed again.

Calling Kai...

Hello hueningkai speaking


Oh it's just you what you want?

Face time me right now

"What's up?" Kai asked once answering the face time call.

"I need your help" soobin flipped the camera round. "Am i too dressed up for a date?"

Kai sat up in his bed. "Omg are you going out with Yeonjun!"

"No no I-

"OMG YOU ARE!!" Kai interrupted.

"No kai listen-

"AHHHH TAE!!! oh wait he's not here...GOTTA GO CALL HIM BYEEE!!"

Face time call ended

"Fuck sake useless friends" soobin looked In the mirror once more and decided to go with what he was wearing.

He walked down the stairs and his mother stopped him.

"Ahh I see you trying to leave look at you. Oo you're going on a date aren't you?" His mum jumped up and down.

"Chill mum can I go now I'm going to be late" soobin tried to leave.

"Oh yes hunny be sure to tell me all about it when you're home" she pushed him out of the door and waved him off.



"H-he's gunna have so much f-fun and f-forget a-about me" Yeonjun cried on beomgyu's shoulder While beomgyu and taehyun awkwardly stared at each other.

So here's what happened.

Beomgyu and taehyun were hanging at beomgyu's house you know like boyfriends do.

They were watching a movie and cuddling when frantic knocking was heard on his front door.

Taehyun started freaking out thinking someone was trying to break in and beomgyu just stroked his head and told him it was Yeonjun.

Heading downstairs to answer the door and to beomgyu's knowledge it was Yeonjun.

On entering taehyun slapped him. "You bitch you scared the shit out of me why are you here!"

And here we are now.

"Shh shh he's not going to do that" beomgyu patted is friends head.

"H-how you know that" Yeonjun sniffled.

"Umm..." beomgyu looked over at taehyun to help him.

"He won't do that because soobin has fancied you for 3 years he would screw that up" Taehyun got the hint.

Yeonjun shot up and looked at taehyun. "3 years!"

"Oh shit- erase that from your mind he's gunna kill me"

Yeonjun suddenly stopped crying and smiled.
"That's so cute awww"

"Great you're not sad anymore. can you leave now?" Beomgyu monotoned.

"I- bitch" Yeonjun said jumping off the bed.

"Byeeeee" beomgyu grinned.

"Alright alright I'm leaving Jesus" Yeonjun left the room and heading downstairs to go home.

"So where were we?" Beimgyu turned to his boyfriend.

Taehyun smiled climbing onto his lap and kissing him passionately.


Soobin had actually had a fun time with Jennie tonight don't get him wrong he still loves Yeonjun and he only sees Jennie as a friend but he had a good time with her.

They had just exited the movies and Jennie stopped him.

"So what now?" She asked.

"Um I'm not sure you pick" soobin answered.

"Let's just go for a walk" she grabbed his hand and they headed off down the street.

Five minutes had passed and they reached a park bench.

Soobin noticed yeonjun's name carved into it.

They both sat down and began to chat.

"Soobin I've had such a fun time tonight thankyou" she smiled widely.

"Yh me too thanks Jennie" he gave an awkward smile.

"Soobin?" She suddenly got serious. "I really like you"

"Oh. you do?"

"Mhmm" she nodded.

She then leaned over and kissed him on the lips giving him a small peck then leaned back.

"But I can see you don't see me like that" she put her head down.

"Jennie" soobin said sweetly.

"It's okay soobin. I still had fun tonight" she gave a weak smile.

"So did I" this time giving a genuine smile.

"Friends?" She looked up at him giving him a sharp smile.

Soobin nodded. "Friends"


Yey we don't have to hate Jennie now Ahdjsjsjs

Also ENHYPEN's let me in MV just released ahhh I'm freaking out they look so hot!!! Go stream help engenes get to 7M views in 24 hours☺️

Until next time❤️x

I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now