Dates and mistakes?

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A few weeks later~

Yeonjun was back to moping around.

He was lying on his boyfriends bed overthinking.

He was quiet.

Too quiet.

And heeseung didn't like it.

His boyfriend didn't open up to him.

He knew something was wrong.

So that's why he climbed onto his bed and sat next to his boyfriend.

He picked at his fingers.

"Will you tell me what's wrong or you just going to act like you're fine?" He looked up at his boyfriend.

"I just need to....I don't know" truth is Yeonjun didn't know what to say to him. He didn't want to hurt his boyfriend but he also didn't want to lie to him.

"Yeonjun please tell me what's wrong." Heeseung begged.

"I just need time okay just everything with soobin it's just crazy" Yeonjun sighed.

Heeseung nodded his head understanding.

He hopped off of the bed and walked to the bathroom.

Yeonjun grabbed his head and put it in his hands.


Soobin waiting outside yeonjuns classroom hoping to catch him before his boyfriend was in sight.

His heart was pounding.

Even after all this time he still felt the same every time he saw Yeonjun.

He lifted his head up as yeonjun left the class and he rushed over to him.

He grabbed his arm and dragged him round a corner.

"Soobin yahh what are you-

"Sorry I just needed to speak to you I needed to see you"

"Soobin you can't just- we aren't together anymore" Yeonjun looked around to make sure no one was listening.

"I know I know I just-

"Why are you- I don't understand what you're trying to do here"

"I told myself I'll do anything to get you back okay a-and I miss you so much and you said yourself you love me-

"Shhhh fuck sake soobin I have a boyfriend" Yeonjun covered his mouth to shut him up.

"I know I know it's just I'm sorry I'm so so sorry and I want to make it up to you" soobin grabbed his hands and didn't let go.

"You can let go now" Yeonjun whispered jokingly.

"Yh sorry" he let go. "I just will you let me take you out tonight?"



"Soobin I have a boyfriend I can't go on a date"

"I never said it was a date" soobin smirked.

"You're getting way too cocky young man" Yeonjun smiled. "Might have to put you in your place"

"Yeonjun let me take you out"

Yeonjun smiled and rolled his eyes "fine fine jeez don't cry about it"

"Yey thanks babe see you later" soobin kissed his check and ran off.

Yeonjun blushed and held his cheek.

I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now