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School came around and soobin didn't know how to act. He arrived and he checked every corner before going round it. He didn't want to bump into Yeonjun he didn't know what to say to him.

He was Peering round the corner with his hands on the wall when a grip on his shoulder and a "what you doing?" Made him just back in shock.

"Ahhh what the fuck tae you scared the shit out of me" soobin gripped his heart.

"Why are you being so sneaky?" Taehyun whispered.

"I-I'm not" soobin lied.

"Oh really WHO ARE YOU HIDING FROM SOOBIN!" He shouted getting other students attention.

"Shh ffs" soobin grabbed his friends arm and dragged him into the supply closest.

"Look I'm hiding from Yeonjun" soobin still whispered.

"Why are you still whispering we're in a supply closet. And Anygays why are you hiding from him?"

"Umm well...umm... we kinda like....kissed" he whispered the last word.


"Shut the fuck up. I- I don't know how to act around him now and I- I freaked out and ran out of his house last night!" Soobin rushed out.

"You fucking idiot" taehyun flicked him on the head.

"Ouch hey!"

"Just go speak to him clearly he likes you I'm sure he'll understand you were just overwhelmed" taehyun explained.

"Um hello have you forgot people think I'm hetero" soobin flicked taehyun back this time.

"well there's no use standing here. Let us get out of the closet shall we" taehyun opened the door and walked out.

"That was the worst joke you've ever made" soobin shook his head and walked down the corridor.

"Soobin-ah wait!"


Yeonjun wasn't stupid he could tell soobin was trying to avoid him. But he didn't mind he knew soobin was just overwhelmed from yesterday. Yeonjun actually found it adorable.

Class came around and soobin finally arrived. He sat down next to Yeonjun not making eye contact.

10 minutes into class and the pair hadn't spoke to each other Yeonjun wanted to say something but he figured soobin would just ignore him.

"Yeonjun-ah" a voice from behind the pair was heard.

Yeonjun turned around and smiled at his friend. "Yes lix?"

"Normally the pair of you don't shut the fuck up so I thought I'd entertain you today" Felix smiled.

"Ha thanks buddy" Yeonjun chuckled

Soobin listened into there conversation and he wasn't happy that Felix was talking to him.

"What are you doin later you haven't hung with us for so long" Felix grumpily asked.

"Ik I'm sorry umm I'm actually busy tonight but maybe next week?" Yeonjun explained.

"Awhhh come onnnnnn pleaseee" felix begged.

"I'm really sorry Lix I promise I'll hang out soon"

"Awh yeonjun-ah you-

"He said he can't hang out okay will you leave him alone" soobin butted in grumpily then turned about around straight after.


Felix cleared his throat. "Okay then"

Yeonjun shrugged then turned back around to face the front.

He looked over and soobin to see him staring at the board intensely. He turned his head back to his book and smiled to himself.


Soobin grabbed his lunch and sat down beside HueningKai who was sat alone.

"Hey Ning Ning, where's taehyun?" Soobin asked as he placed his tray down.

"He's over there with beomgyu" Kai pointed in the direction of them.

Soobin noticed he was sat with Yeonjun too.

"Taehyunnie told me what happened you know" Kai spoke up when he saw soobin staring at Yeonjun.

"Huh?" Soobin zoned back in.

"Something about a little kiss in Yeonjun hyungs bedroom" kai teased.

"Ugh please don't talk about it it's embarrassing"

"Which part? the bit where you ran out of his house?" Kai laughed.

"Son of a bitch" soobin slapped him.

"Aish chill it's your mistake not mine. So did you guys discuss it today what did you say?" Kai asked while slurping on his noodles.

"We kind of didn't. I've been avoiding him" soobin lowered his head.

And Kai choked on a noodle.

"You WHAT" he said in between coughs

"I was too embarrassed okay I didn't know what to say to him" soobin admitted.

"And you call me and tae dumb" Kai rolled his eyes.

"Ugh I'll speak to him tomorrow"

"You better you know you can't avoid him forever" Kai said truthfully

And he was right soobin knew he couldn't stay away forever I mean he is his crush of three years and he's finally noticed soobin he can't ruin it now.

"Especially if we go sit with them" Kai smiled evilly.

"What do you mean?" Soobin raised his brows.

Kai rose from his seat grabbed his tray and began to walk towards taehyun.

"You coming slow coach" he laughed.


I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now