Is he even happy?

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2 months ago~

Soobin had just returned from yeonjuns house and was now flopped on his bed looking through his phone.

After a couple minutes his phone pinged and a message from Yeonjun came in.


I miss you already

Soobin smiled at the message then replied back.

I miss you more :((

Wish I could kiss that pout off your lips🥺🥺


You take that back

They messaged back and forth for a while until his clock read 11pm.

Get some rest sleepy head we got school tomorrow

I not tired :((


Alright alright fine

Now goodnight sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite

Sweet dreams
I love you 💗💗

I love you 2 ❤️❤️
Read 11:10pm

Soobin smiled at his phone and hugged it.

Yeonjun was such a good boyfriend

No he was the best.

Soobin turned his light off and tucked himself into bed.

But sleep didn't come as his brain was still switched.

He was overthinking.

He knows his relationship is good. He knows he's happy.

But is Yeonjun...

He acts happy and tells soobin it's all okay

But is it really?

Isn't he bothered by the fact he can't do anything in public?

That he can't tell people he's taken and that he's in love?

And it's all soobin's fault.

He deserves better...

He deserves someone who will gladly tell the world he's yeonjuns.

Someone who will grab his hand and hold it while they walk down the street.

Someone who will kiss him when he feels the need.

Someone who will show that he loves him not matter what.

And soobin can't do that.

He pushed his face into his pillow and let tears flow.

Until finally falling asleep as his tear stained pillow drowned his sheets.

I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now