Lonely heart

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It had been weeks since soobin left. And Yeonjun wasn't any better.

He spent all the time outside of school cooped up in his room, while his parents tried so hard to cheer him up. But he wouldn't even come out.

And while he was at school he was miserable.

No one knew how to cheer him up. Nothing worked.

Kai and taehyun were of course upset and cried the first week he was gone but they picked themselves up since they had each other.

But Yeonjun felt like he had no one. Even when he had everyone.

Beomgyu and taehyun invited him out a lot when they were out.

Kai asked him to go shopping with him.

Hyunjin and Felix tried to cheer him up by gossiping less.

But nothing worked.

Everyone was hopeless. They didn't know how to help anymore.

They all just wanted soobin back home.


You thought soobin would be better now?

Nope. He was an absolute mess.

Of course he was wrong about being better off away from Yeonjun.

He kept telling himself things will get better he just needs time.

But for now he'll stick to crying every evening in his bedroom once he's dad fell asleep.

And acting happy in the day time while he hangs out with his dad and spends time in his new school.

Speaking of new school. It was great! No boy drama, no annoying classmates, no one knowing his secret

.... no friends...

No taehyun...

No hueningkai...

And no Yeonjun.

He sat alone during lunch and avoided talking to his classmates.

He just hopes things get better soon.



Yeonjun groaned at the sound of someone banging on his door at 1pm on a Saturday afternoon.

Well not just someone.



"KAII GO AWAY" Yeonjun yelled back.


"You do know I don't have a lock right?" Yeonjun kinda spoke to himself but Kai must have over heard because he suddenly barged in.

"AH HA!"

"It was unlocked all along-

"Shush now little guy. get up we're going shopping" Kai pulled the sheet off of Yeonjun.

"Ughhh let me sleep some more"

"It's 1pm jun" he placed his hands on his hips.

"And? Your point is?" Yeonjun still didn't move.

"Hmph don't make me call tae"

Yeonjun shot up in bed. "You wouldn't!"

"Oh I willll" he took his phone from his pocket.

"You know what fine do it" Yeonjun laid back down letting the quilt consume him again.

Kai puffed out a breath and then began to dial numbers.

10 minutes later taehyun barged into the room.

"Time to get up sleepy head" taehyun grabbed Yeonjun by the ankles and pulled him off the be all while Yeonjun screamed.

Staying laid on the floor with a hurt back Yeonjun protested.

"Leave me to wallow in self pityyy"

"No Yeonjun, soobin was our friend and he would want us to take care of you. Do you think he wants you to be like this?" Kai pulled him on to his feet.

"I don't care what he wants if he didn't want me to act like this he shouldn't have left. Fucking prick" Yeonjun mumbled.

"He's got a point" taehyun agreed.

"Ugh come on hyung let's go get you some fresh air!" Kai then proceed to search his draws for clothes.

"Oh you do have good style can I borrow this?" Kai pulled out a jumper.

"Sure take what you want" Yeonjun grumbled.

"Isn't this soobin's?" Taehyun grabbed a shirt from off the floor.

"DONT TOUCH IT!" Yeonjun yelled while ripping it out of his hands.

"It still smells like him" Yeonjun then proceed to cry.

"Oh yeonjun don't cry" Kai walked up to him and hugged him.

"Why w-would he l-leave me" he cried into Kai's shoulder.

Kai just pet his back while speaking soothing words.

"So are we going shopping or what?" Taehyun asked.



"Soobin are you okay I thought I heard sobs?" Soobin's dad knocked on his door while calling for him

"I'm fine dad go back to bed" a voice was heard from inside.

"I'm coming in" he warned before entering.

"Oh Binnie wants wrong"

Soobin looked up from his knees at looked at his dad.

"Nothing really I just miss my friends that's all"

"You mean your boyfriend?"

Soobin's eyes widened.

"Don't look so scared soobin I don't know why you feel you have to hide like this crying once I go to bed. Soobin I don't care who you love alright?" His dad patted his knee.

Soobin smiled widely then hugged his dad.

"Thankyou dad." He whispered.

"I know you're mother feels the same soobin. It was Just a shock she didn't know what to say"

"She didn't have to wait so long" he grumbled.

And his dad chuckled.

"Now why don't you tell me about him"

And Soobin smiled widely and began to explain everything he loved about Yeonjun.


Hello 👋

I was in the mood to update☺️

How was the first chapter after well you know what happened.

Until next time ❤️x

I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now