Happy endings*

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A week had passed since the boys had gotten back together and things seemed to be better than the first. Soobin didn't try to hide a single thing, in fact I'm sure he tried extra hard to show Yeonjun off just to make him happier.

It was a Saturday afternoon and soobin had just texted Yeonjun that his mother had invited him over for dinner.

Which meant Yeonjun was now freaking out to beomgyu.

"SOOBIN JUST INVITED ME TO DINNER!" Yeonjun screamed over the phone

"Awesome, so why are you calling me?" Beomgyu sounded irritated.

"Because! ITS WITH HIS MOTHER!" Yeonjun continued to scream down the phone.

"W-well chill out and just go I'm sure s-she's nice" beomgyu sounded out of breath.

"I CANT JUST CHILL OUT I- are you okay?" Yeonjun questioned at the heavy breathing down the phone.

"Mhmm I'm sooo good, HES A LITTLE BUSY RIGHT NOW!"  Taehyuns voice rang through the phone line.

Yeonjun widened his eyes. "ARE YOU FUCKING RN! EWW WHY DID YOU PICK UP THE PHONE! GOSH" Yeonjun ended the call.

"Horn dogs"


6pm fell and Yeonjun knocked on the door of Soobin's home.

"Ah you must be Yeonjun" Soobin's mother had answered the door and greeted him with a smile and embraced him with a hug.

"Mum were you waiting at the door or something! I literally rushed down here" soobin moaned.

"Come on in jun" soobin smiled while grabbing his boyfriends hand.

Yeonjun was led into the kitchen and seated on the chair beside soobin who had just pulled out the chair for him.

"Wow what a gentleman" soobin mum chuckled.


Yeonjun giggled.

"Well Yeonjun, it's good to finally meet you" she smiled.

"You two mrs Choi" Yeonjun smiled back.

"I hope you like pasta!"

"Oh most definitely" Yeonjun giggled.

"Damn you two get along better than i get along with her" soobin laughed.


Once dinner was over Yeonjun thanked mrs Choi for the meal.

"Thankyou so much for inviting me. It was great meeting you" Yeonjun smiled.

"Oh of course. Why don't you two head upstairs for a while I'll clean up" she said while grabbing the plates.

"Sure thing come on yeonnie" soobin pulled Yeonjun up the stairs.

The two walked upstairs and into Soobin's room.

"Thanks for coming tonight" soobin sat beside Yeonjun on the bed.

"Of course babe you're mums great I shouldn't have been so scared" Yeonjun chuckled.

"Yeh she's pretty cool" soobin chuckled back.

The two looked at each other before soobin leaned in for a kiss.

The kiss was passionate and began to become needy

They deepened the kiss as the fell back onto the bed.


Yeonjun climbed on top of soobin and began to move his hips.

Soobin moaned at the friction.

The two kissed once again before Yeonjun started to kiss down his neck then down his chest as he slipped Soobin's shirt off

Yeomjun removed his shirt and jeans until only his boxers remained.

He helped soobin remove his before wrapping his hand around Soobin's member.

He pumped his dick a few times letting it grow before climbing off to grab lube from Soobin's bedside draw while soobin took off his boxers

Yeonjun kissed soobin softly distracting him from the uncomfortable feeling of his finger slipping into his hole.

Soobin moaned In slight discomfort as a second finger was added. "Hurts"

"I'm sorry baby are you okay?" Yeonjun looked up at him.

Soobin nodded "Mhmm"

Yeonjun carried on scissoring the boy until the discomfort was now only pleasure.

Once all three fingers were in and soobin was fully prepped Yeonjun slipped out of his own boxers.

He lathered his member in lube before kissing soobin softly. "Are you ready?"

"Yes. I want you yeonnie" soobin blushed.

And with that Yeonjun slowly entered soobin trying his best to not hurt the poor boy.

Discomfort was evident on the boys face as Yeonjun was fully entered.

"Are you okay?" Yeonjun asked once again

"I'm fine it just hurts a little but you can move" soobin gave a nervous smile.

"My brave boy" Yeonjun kissed soobin as he began to move slowly inside of him.

"Mmm you feel so good baby" Yeonjun groaned.

"S-so tight" Yeonjun hissed.

"C-can you speed up a little?" Soobin asked.

"Of course I can" Yeonjun smiled while kissing him once again.

Yeonjun quickened his pace and kissed up and down Soobin's neck leaving purple marks.

Not long after soobin was a moaning mess and sweat was drenching both boys.

"Oohhhh Yeonjun you feel so good aaaaa"

"Shhh baby you don't want your mother to hear your filthy language"

A few minutes later both boys were cumming together and falling from their highs.

They laid down beside each other with harsh breaths.

"I love you Choi soobin" Yeonjun smiled.

"I love you Choi Yeonjun"


The end

Thankyou so much for reading everyone this book was the first ive finished and I loved it.

I know updates got slow towards the end I'm really sorry. But hey feel free to read again hehe.

I was thinking throughout if I should write this from taegyu's POV. So the same book but about taegyu's relationship. Let me know what you think.  Should I?

Feel free to check out my other story's too!!

I'll see you all in another story!

Until next time ❤️x

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