Maybe its time to go home

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Soobin was currently leaning on jakes shoulder feeling sad.

They were sat at a park having a relaxing Saturday.

Well they were having a relaxing Saturday.

Until soobin started crying randomly.

So Jake comforted him for a few minutes until he calmed down.

Soobin didn't know what he'd do if it wasn't for Jake. He's so thankful for him.

He's glad he made a friend just as good and kai and taehyun.

Who he missed very much.

"You know what soobin?" Jake asked while patting his head.

"Hmmm" he replied.

"Maybe it's time for you to go home"

Soobin shot up and looked back at Jake.

"W-what. I- why" he stuttered.

"Look at you you're miserable. It's not getting better. Maybe you should go back to where you belong" Jake admitted.

"I'm not wanted there anymore" soobin lowered his head.

Jake rolled his eyes playfully. "Oh come on bin yes you are. I'm sure your mum misses you and your friends"

Soobin nodded. "Maybe just a quick visit home will be okay"

"That's the spirit." Jake smiled.

"Thanks Jake" soobin also smiled.

"For what?" Jake looked over at soobin.

"For being an amazing friend I really needed you"

"Awhh you big sap" Jake hugged him.

And soobin chuckled.



Yeonjun was on cloud nine.

He was so happy with Heeseung. He hadn't felt this good in so long.

They went on dates, they met everyday after school.

And everyone knew they were a couple.

So no more of Yeonjun watching girls try to take away his man.

He didn't think anything could ruin this now.

"Ahhhh fox" Heeseung ran around the house while being chased.

"Ima get you" Yeonjun ran around the kitchen table.

Heeseung turned around and stuck his tongue out at him. "I don't think so loserrr" he giggled.

"Loser? Oh I don't think so!" Yeonjun sped up as the entered the living room and he dived on Heeseung tackling him to the sofa.

"Ahhhhhh babe" Heeseung giggled while being attacked with tickles.

Yeonjun climbed on his lap and kept tickling.
"Trapped now aren't you, am I still a loser baby?"

"No Ahhhh no" he giggled and screamed.

"Good" Yeonjun stopped and leaned down to his face.

"I lo-like you so much"

Heeseung gave his charming smile. "I like you 2"

Yeonjun leaned down and they shared a passionate kiss.


Hi 😌

This chapter was really short but another is coming shortly so be ready... and it's drama packed...

Until next time ❤️x

I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now