Coffee shop

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"What's his deal anyways the fuck did you do to him to scare him away?" Beomgyu then gasped. "Did you try to Fuck him! And he told you he was straight so now he's embarrassed!"

"Something like that" Yeonjun replied while stirring his coffee for the 100th time.

"Hmm damn at least you tried maybe next time don't go for a straight guy I did warn you"

Beomgyu continued while Yeonjun stared out of the window bored.

"HEY!" Beomgyu snapped making Yeonjun jump and spill his coffee on his jeans.

"Fuck sake BG" Yeonjun stood up sighed and walked to the bathroom.


"I still think you should talk to him, bin" taehyun sighed.

"Yh come on he's probably thinking he scared you off, you don't want him giving up on you now do you?" Kai further stated.

"Hmph y'all are so annoying I swear to god" soobin rolled his eyes then changing the subject. "What y'all want to drink?"

"Ooo hot choco- on second thought I'll go get the drinks in brb" Kai stood up to go the counter.

"I should probably help him" taehyun smiled nervously.

"Ugh fine I'm heading to the bathroom" soobin sighed and got up.


Opening the bathroom door he found Yeonjun mumbling something about beomgyu and stains while wiping his jeans with a wet paper towel.

He hadn't noticed soobin yet so he tried to sneak out before he had to talk to him.

And by tried I mean he went to turn around but stood on his untied lace and fell to the ground.

Let's just say he was extremely embarrassed and hoped Yeonjun hadn't heard.

But it wasn't his lucky day.

"Oh god soobin, are you okay?" Yeonjun rushed over to his side and helped him up onto this feet.

Soobin didn't look up to meet his eyes his face was flushed red with embarrassment as to the fact he just face planted the floor in-front of his crush.

"Hey are you okay? You gotta speak to me I'm not psychic" Yeonjun spoke softly as he placed his fingers on soobin's chin raising it to look into his eyes.

Soobin nodded his head. His face still as bright as a tomato. He felt the warm blood pool at his cheeks

"Well that's good" Yeonjun smiled.

They stared at each other again and soobin saw yeonjuns eyes flicker to his lips once again.

He began to panic.

He's gunna kiss his crush again!

"What's on your pants?"

"Huh?" Yeonjun furrowed his eyebrows then looked down. "Oh right that ha. Um beomgyu kind of made me jump and my coffee spilt down me ha clumsy me" he laughed awkwardly.

"Damn well I'd help you get it off but I mean... it's... you know"

"On my Dick?" Yeonjun said bluntly.

Soobin widened his eyes briefly then nodded while blushing.

"Yh don't worry about it."
"You can stay and watch if you want" he added after a moment smirking.

Soobin widened his eyes once again and began to speak quickly. "Oh you know what I-I best g-get back t-to my f-friends ha t-they're waiting for me um" he bumped into the door. "Ah b-bye" and he exited.

Yeonjun smiled chuckling to himself. "I love to tease you soobin" he spoke into the mirror then Continued to wipe his jeans.


Soobin rushed back to the table and sat down.

"Woah what you do in there have a quickie you look ever so flushed" Kai smirked.

"I- w-what no why would that have happened" soobin looked down at his drink that sat waiting for him.

"Oh i don't know maybe because Yeonjun was in there" taehyun grinned.

"H-how did you know that?...wait a minute *gasp* YOU GUYS PLANNED IT!" Soobin clicked on.

"Whatttt nooo we neverrr" taehyun smiled.

"Yes we did. We saw him walk in there while you asked us what drink we wanted I gave tae the heads up and he came to help me. we just hoped you would go to the bathroom" kai explained.

"Ugh you guys are jerks" soobin sipped on his tea.

"I think you mean thankyou guys" Kai laughed.


When Yeonjun returned he watched as beomgyu bent his spoon with his hand while staring at something.

Yeonjun followed his eyesight as it lead to taehyun and Kai.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes and sat down. "You know you really need to stop being so jealous all the time they are JUST FRIENDS"

Beomgyu turned his head back to look at Yeonjun. "I don't care I know something is going on I can feel it"

"Yh well why don't you go ask him then" Yeonjun sighed getting annoyed at the amount of times this conversation had been said.

"B-but if I do that he's going to get pissed at me" beomgyu's eyes softened and his voice got lighter.

Sighing again Yeonjun explained what he should say "why don't you just say to him you feel left out because you feel his friendship with Kai is better than ours"

"I-um... fine... fine" beomgyu gave in and decided he should have this conversation with taehyun.

"Good now let's go before they make us pay for the spoon" Yeonjun laughed.

Beomgyu looked down at it.

They both stood up and ran out of the shop laughing together.


I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now