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"Stupid fucking bitch gosh I could punch him right now"

Yeonjun ranted while coating his hair in dye.
He didn't know why he didn't do it sooner but he needed to get rid of the blue. After all it was Soobin's favourite colour.

"Ugh get every fucking piece of you off of me"
Heeseung heard his boyfriend rant from the bathroom while he was sat on his bed waiting.

"Babe just calm down yeah"

Yeonjun popped his yellowish head round the corner and glared at his boyfriend.

"Calm down? Are you joking me my ex boyfriend just showed up out of nowhere how can I be calm"

His head went back through the door and out of sight but the rambling continued.

Half an hour later Yeonjun walked into his bedroom with a freshly set dyed hair.

"Woah was it possible for you to get hotter?"

Yeonjun chuckled and jumped at his boyfriend.
Then giving him a kiss.

"You're too sweet"

Yeonjun laid down on his boyfriends stomach as Heeseung stroked his hair gently.

Heeseung spoke words of comfort to his boyfriend for the rest of the day.


Monday came around and soobin enrolled back to school.

Walking in felt weird yet nostalgic he loved the feeling of seeing his school again and the people he'd missed. But he was also getting strange looks from student since he hadn't shown his face for a year and half the school probably made up a thousand rumours about him being kicked out to the extreme of he died.

And after a few dirty looks soobin was happy his friends showed up to take his mind off the looks.

"SOOBINNNIEEE HYUNG YOURE BACK!!" Kai screamed down the hall as he ran into soobin's arms.

"Ugh I feel like I just got my lost puppy back"

"Damn you saw me 2 days ago huening" soobin chuckled.

"Ugh all this feeling shit is making me wanna barf come on let's get to class" taehyun rolled his eyes and headed down the hall leaving the others to catch up.

Soobin headed to english after finally parting ways with his friends.

Forgetting exactly who was also heading to that class.


Yeonjun kissed his boyfriend goodbye as they parted ways.

He headed to English with a grin on his face.

Which unfortunately didn't last long.

As at the opposite side of the hall he laid eyes on the last person he wanted to see.

He tried to make a run for it to the class room that was between them but of course that would be the world in favour of Yeonjun.

"Yeonjun" he heard soobin's voice call.

He closed his eyes inhaling before stopping at facing him.

"Well if it isn't the last human I want to see" Yeonjun replied sarcastically.

"You dyed your hair. It looks good" soobin complimented.

I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now