Park meeting

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Soobin was panicking his heart was racing he didn't want to mess up. He didn't want Yeonjun to think he was a weirdo.

So he did what he does best.

Asks his idiotic friends for help.

Calling taehyun🐿...


Oh god tae you have to help me out buddy I- I'm freaking out!

Is this about your "study session" with Yeonjun hyung?

Yes it is and don't quote study session it IS a study session smh

I know you did not just say smh irl

Yes I did you know what you're useless I'm calling Kai

Call ended...

Calling Kai kamel heuning🐧...



Jesus quiet down ....
wait a minute....
you called tae before me?


Call ended...

"Why am I friends with such useless hoes"
Soobin looked up at the clock on his wall as it read 3:40pm

"Shit here we go" soobin took a deep breath and headed downstairs.

Climbing into his shoes his mother called out to him.

"Soobin where are you going?"

"Oh I-I'm just off to go s-study with a-a friend"

are we even friends?

"Oh okay dear have fun don't be home too late I'm making your favourite for dinner"

And with that soobin opened the door and left heading for the longest walk of his life.


Yeonjun arrived at the park at 3:30 he didn't know why he was early. Excitement? Not wanting to be late? He didn't know. But he hoped soobin hurried up soon because he was getting bored.

By 4pm soobin finally arrived.

Yeonjun sent a big smile and waved signalling his location for soobin to come and sit beside him.

Soobin slowly and cautiously sat down beside him.

"I don't bite you don't have to look all scared" Yeonjun chuckled.

And soobin once again blushed.

Yeonjun noticed but didn't bother to out him on it.

"SO English" Yeonjun spoke up after the slight awkward pause.

"Yh ha so what I'd you need help with?" Soobin asked.

Yeonjun sat and thought for a moment. He didn't actually struggle with English he just wanted an excuse to see soobin.

"Ummm... just everything" Yeonjun awkwardly smiled.

"O-okay umm let's see..." soobin grabbed his bag and searched through it all the while Yeonjun was admiring him from beside.

"So I ha-

Soobin lifted his head up only for Yeonjun to be staring at him. He stopped speaking shocked by the fact. He stared back into yeonjuns for a moment before clearing his throat and continuing.

"I have some book we could annotate if you want"

"Yeonjun finally stop staring and answered him. "Sure sounds good"

The rest of the session they sat reading and soobin kept telling Yeonjun want certain words meant.

Although soobin seemed much more concentrated than Yeonjun he was actually still freaking out over the fact he was sat so close to his crush.

By 6pm the boys were tired of studying and decided to stop.

"I guess I'll be going now then" soobin smiled.

"Or we could go get some food?" Yeonjun wasn't ready to part ways yet even though he would see him again tomorrow at school.

"Oh I m-my mum is making me something tonight or I would I'm sorry" soobin put his head down.

Yeonjun grabbed his chin and raised it back up.

"Hey don't look upset it's adorable. Besides it doesn't matter I hope you enjoy your dinner and I'll see you same time next week?"

Soobin blushed heavily and nodded "okay"

Yeonjun released his chin. "Well goodbye then" he turned around and headed home.

Soobin stared at his moving figure for a few seconds before turning round and heading home too.


Closing his front door a huge grin and blush appeared on soobin's face as he took his shoes off and entered the kitchen.

"Evening mum I'm back" soobin greeted to his mother who was preparing food.

"Oh how was your study session?" She turned around to talk to her son properly.

And yet again a blush broke out onto his face.

"Oh I see did you go and study with a girl?" His mum grinned.

"What no" soobin looked offended even though his family thinks he's heterosexual.

"Mhmm doesn't look like it with that huge blush spread over your cheeks" she smiled more.

"Mum" soobin wined.

"Oh I'm only teasing you soobin calm down" she turned around and began preparing food again.

Soobin rolled his eyes and heading upstairs.


I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now