Old friends and refreshed flames

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The weekend came around and soobin was sat down to breakfast with Jake who was currently staying over.

"Oh god oh god I'm freaking out bin" Jake placed his head in his hands.

"It's okay you got me and Heeseung with you don't worry about it okay you're just seeing some old friends" soobin comforted.

After finishing breakfast they waiting by the living room for Yeonjun and Heeseung to arrive.

Around 12pm they heard a knock on the door. Opening it to find both boys stood waiting by the porch.

"Hi" they all said in unison.

"Umm so shall we get going the train is in 20 minutes" Yeonjun smiled warmly.

Nodding their heads they headed out of the house and towards the train station.

"Maybe we should just go back I mean I can always visit them next week what if they're busy" Jake rambled as the train arrived.

Soobin rolled his eyes and pushed him onto the train and the rest followed close behind.

The journey felt like forever for jake as his stomach began to churn as they got closer.

However for Yeonjun he wanted it to be longer. He sat with Heeseung behind soobin and Jake, Yeonjun practically ignore Heeseung the whole way just stared at Soobin's head in awe and spoke to him occasionally.

On arrival they stepped off the trains and breathed some fresh air.

Yeonjun asked Heeseung for directions since Jake was just telling them to go back and honestly they didn't trust him to take them the correct way.

He followed anyways something in him really did want to see all his old friends ALL of them

"This is their school they actually happen to have sports club running on a Saturday I hope they all still do it" Heeseung informed as they waiting outside the school.

"Ughh what time do they finished I'm bored" Yeonjun rolled his eyes.

"2:30" Heeseung told him as Yeonjun looked at his phone and the time was 2:26.

"Oh thank god"

They waited another 10 minutes guessing they were getting showered and changed before the heard the doors of the school open.

They each looked up simultaneously and stood from the wall they were leaning on.

Heeseung took the lead followed by Yeonjun and soobin and lastly Jake who hid himself behind them.

They watched as 5 boys made there way down the steps chatting away not even noticing people waiting in-front of them.

Until sunoo gasped. "Heeseung hyung!" He ran towards his friend and hugged him.

They rest now looking over and smiling widely.

They all ran towards him and gave him a hug.

"We missed you so much" jungwon smiled.

"Jakeyyy" Ni-Ki screamed as he noticed him hid behind too unknown boys.

"Shit" he whispered.

"Hey niki I missed you so much" which was true he really did miss 4 of them.

I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now