New boy

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5 months after soobin left~

Yeonjun stepped into school feeling better than he'd felt so far since soobin left.

He'd accepted that soobin forgot about him and wasn't coming back.

He needed to get over him.

His head still hug low however.

He wasn't ready to face other people's judgment.

So that's why on this day

September 22 he was walking through the hall when he bumped into someone.

"Oh my gosh sorry"

"No no It was my fault sorry" Yeonjun mumbled then lifted his head up.

Yeonjun's voice was gone. This guy was so handsome. He had soft chestnut hair that he wanted to touch, huge darkly coloured eyes that sparkled, a perfectly proportioned nose, lips peachy and smaller than his yet still a beautiful shape, he was a little smaller than Yeonjun but still quiet tall and he had a green beanie laid upon his head letting only the hair that fall flat on his forehead to be exposed.

"You alright?" He chuckled.

Yeonjun nodded his head. "Yh Yh thanks"

He gave a teethy smile which made his eyes slightly disappear.

God he has a beautiful smile.

"Well I better get to class nice to meet you. Sorry again for bumping into you" his smiled stayed on his face.

Yeonjun snapped out of his trance and spoke again not wanted to part ways just yet.

"I- I haven't seen you around before are you new?" Yeonjun spat out.

"Oh Yh I am that's why I should get to class I have no idea where I'm going" he chuckled again.

"I can take you there if you'd like? Which room is it?" Yeonjun offered.

"Really? Thankyou! Umm it'" he read from his timetable.

"It's not a problem I'm usually always late to school so you caught me on a rare occasion" Yeonjun laughed for the first time in a long while.

"Lucky me" he smiled warmly.

"Come on let's go"  Yeonjun chuckled before leading the new kid to his classroom.

Once they arrived Yeonjun stopped outside the door and turned to the boy.

"And here we are. Oop mr Kim's class you're lucky he's one of the nicest teachers here" Yeonjun smiled.

"Thanks again" he bit his lip.

He grabbed the door handle and was about to open it.


He turned around. "Hmm"

"What's you're name?"

"Now where's the fun in that?" He smirked then opened the door leaving Yeonjun on the other side.

Yeonjun chuckled and walked away.


Soobin however still had no friends.

He still only hug out with his dad after he finished work.

He walked to class with his head low avoiding everyone like usual.

He walked past a few desks before taking his seat. Listening to people mumbling about him being a freak.

He didn't listen though.

After he left Yeonjun he didn't all care that much anymore.

He was numb to everything.

"You know ignoring everyone isn't the best way to deal with pain" a boy who sat next to him spoke up.

Soobin turned to him and furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" Soobin spoke quietly.

"I might not know what you're going through but I can tell you I've been broken too and keeping yourself sheltered isn't a good thing sometimes all you need is a friend" the boy spoke softly.

"I have friends" soobin mumbled.

"Really? Doesn't look like it" he chuckled.

"Just leave me alone Yh" soobin shook his head and ignored him for the rest of class.

But that doesn't mean that he did the same.

After class he followed him out.

"I know you don't want to speak to me but you need someone"

"How do you know what the fuck I need?"  Soobin walked after.

"Slow down Jesus"

"Just go away for god sake"

"Look you might not need a friend but I do all my old friends were my ex boyfriends" he walked quickly to keep up with soobin.

Then soobin stopped.

"Did you move away because of him too?"


"Well I can tell you're Australian" soobin smirked.

"I guess you do pay attention bunny boy" he laughed as he carried on walking.


"My ex used to called me that" soobin mumbled.

Now it was the others turn to stop.

"So it is partner problems" he smiled.

"Alright yes okay. I left home because I was making him unhappy" soobin then out his hand over his mouth

"Shit did I say him" soobin whispered.

"Yes. Yes you did" the other took his hand away from his mouth. "And you forget I'm bisexual"

"Wanna go get some coffee?" He asked.

Soobin shrugged. "Sure"

And they both walked off to a cafe.


Hi hi hi so who do you think the 2 boys are then😌😌

I didn't want to make it too easy by giving away their names aha

Until next time ❤️x

I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now