Getting back together

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Soobin headed to school feeling happy after what happened yesterday.

He had a skip in his step as he reached yeonjuns locker.

"Good morning yeonnie how are you today" soobin smiled.

"Gosh you're so loud it's 8am" Yeonjun closed his locker and smiled up at soobin.

"Sorry, would you like me to walk you to class?" Soobin interlaced their arms.

"I guess you are Anyways" Yeonjun chuckled.

They walked down the hall passing by students a few giving looks at the closeness of the boys.

"Aren't you bothered about people?" Yeonjun rolled his eyes.

Soobin pulled the boy close. "Nope not at all"

Yeonjun smiled.

He was glad soobin was trying so hard he found it adorable. And the fact he didn't seem scared to me seen with the boy anymore seemed perfect.

But his only thought was will it last.

"And here we are sir" Soobin's voice snapped Yeonjun out of thought.

"Thanks, I'll see you later then" Yeonjun smiled blushing slightly.

Soobin gave him a quick peck on the lips before rushing off.

Leaving Yeonjun to blush more.


Lunch time came around and soobin had walked to yeonjuns class to take him to the cafeteria.

Soobin bought Yeonjun food and even gave him extra from his own plate.

"Soobin you gotta eat yourself you know" Yeonjun giggled.

"But I'd rather take care of you baby" soobin widened his eyes at the word that just slipped from his lips

But Yeonjun just giggled and blushed.

"God I wanna kiss you right now" soobin stared at the boy.

Yeonjun blushed once again. "Okay"

"Is that an okay do it? Or just okay" soobin chuckled

"If you want to kiss me soobin then do what ever you want" Yeonjun flickered to his lips.


"Is that okay I'll do it? Or-

The sarcastic remark was cut off by soobin harshly kissing yeonjuns lips.

Once again it was the perfect kiss to both of them.

Once they pulled away soobin looked around to see who happened to be looking.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes and got up.



Once after school arrived Yeonjun began to walk out of the school building before soobin caught up to him.

"Hey" soobin smiled.

"Hi" Yeonjun mumbled.

"Are you okay?" Soobin frowned.

"Mhmm" Yeonjun carried on walking.

Soobin stopped in front of him. "I'm sorry about earlier. I really don't care anymore"

Yeonjun raised his eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yes really" soobin begged him to believe him.

"Then prove it" Yeonjun smirked.

And without another word soobin kissed him for the second time today.

Right in front of the school doors.

Which means a lot of students were around.

After they pulled apart soobin kept his eyes set on Yeonjun.

Yeonjun smiled at him.

"Choi soobin...would you be my boyfriend once again?"

Soobin's eyes widened. "Choi Yeonjun. ID LOVE TO BE YOUR BOYFRIEND" soobin screamed and jumped into the boys arms.



Super long wait and I'm so sorry I worked on other things and this kinda got lost!! Also this was such a short chapter😭

There's only one chapter left too 😭

Until next time ❤️x

I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now