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Soobin set his lunch tray down across from Yeonjun avoiding all eye contact and greeting beomgyu and taehyun only.

Firstly he was annoyed at Kai for making them come and sit over here.

secondly he literally doesn't know any of these people.

And thirdly one of the people sitting at this table happened to be Felix who he spoke like shit to only a few hours ago.

"How come you guys are sat here?" Beomgyu asked trying not to come across annoyed as he wanted to spend time with his boyfriend who was finally away from Kai.

"Oh well yanno I uhmm....I missed taehyunnie so much" Kai thought of an excuse and quickly hugged taehyun from the side.

"But you saw him in class like 10 minutes ago" beomgyu pulled a confused face.

"Yh well I just really missed my bestie" Kai grinned.

"Soobin you okay?" Yeonjun asked as he noticed he was just sat picking at his food.

Soobin's head shot up after hearing his name but he then became extremely nervous seeing it  escape from yeonjuns lips.

So he stuck with a small nod.

"He's the guy I was telling you about earlier hyunnie" Felix gossiped to hyunjin right to his face.

Soobin just rolled his eyes in response.

"Give it a rest lix" Yeonjun pushed him playfully.

"Ugh y'all are so boring" Felix stood up. "Come on hyunjin let's go play some footie" he smiled then they both ran out of the cafeteria.

Leaving the 5 of them awkwardly sitting.

After a few minutes of silence, beomgyu giving out death glares and soobin looking uncomfortable, Kai finally decided to start a topic of conversation.

"So how was your study session last night Yeonjun?"

I didn't say the topic would be a good one.

Soobin raised his head and all 4 of them sent 'wtf dude' glares to Kai.

"It was great me and soobin got plenty of work done, right soob?" Yeonjun smiled.

Soobin nodded his head.

"Gone back to losing your tongue like the first time we met?" Yeonjun teased.

Soobin looked at him worriedly then stood up and walked out of the cafeteria.

The 4 of them watched confused as soobin slowly disappeared.

"Well done YJ" beomgyu blamed.


Soobin entered the bathroom sobbing. He leaned over the sink and stared at himself in the mirror.
"Gosh you stupid piece of shit you're so dumb" he spoke to his reflection.

Not a moment later hueningkai burst through the door.

"Oh hunny what's wrong" Kai frowned and pulled soobin into a warm embrace rubbing his back soothingly.

"I-I f-fucked u-up d-didn't i" he sobbed into kai's shirt drowning it in tears.

"No baby you didn't shh shh calm down" Kai now stroked the back of his head something he learnt a while back calms soobin.

After a few moments soobin was done crying so he pulled away from kai's embrace.

"Thanks" he sniffed.

"No need to thank me. Now why do you think you fucked up?" Kai looked concerned for his friend.

"It's just that I should have spoke to him sooner I-I bet he thinks I hate him now o-or that I regret the kiss or something" soobin rushed out in one breath.

"Hey calm down he doesn't hate you okay I bet you he's sat out there right now concerned for you and I'm sure he understands why you haven't approached him today" Kai smiled warmly.

Soobin nodded and sniffled once again.

"Now stop it with the water works okay how about I go treat you to ice cream after school huh?" He tried to cheer his friend up.

Soobin chuckled and nodded his head. "Definitely"

"Great! Now let's get you cleaned up" Kai wiped soobin's tears away with his sleeve.
"Awh there's my beautiful boy, let's go come on"

And with that Kai dragged him out of the room.


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