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2 months after soobin left~

Yeonjun sat at his lunch table with his friends.

They were giggling and laughing while Yeonjun just sat there interactive as little as he could.

They all stopped and looked at him realising he wasn't laughing along with them like he used to.

"you know what Yeonjun I think it's time for you to get back out there" Felix narrowed his eyes at him.

Yeonjun raised his head and widened his eyes.


"Yh come on it's been months and you should get over him by now come on. Maybe even just find a rebound" he shrugged.

Hyunjin hit him. "Hey babe if he isn't ready yet leave him be for god sake"

"What come on I can't be the only one tired of his moping around it's depressing for all of us"

"Sorry" Yeonjun mumbled.

"Hey now don't be sorry junnie it's not you're fault that bastard up and left" hyunjin petted his hand.

"Thanks" he mumbled again.

"See always mumbling" Felix rolled his eyes

Hyunjin then rolled his eyes. "Come lix let's go out for a ciggy to calm you down"

Hyunjin stood up then grabbed Felix's hand and led him outside.

"Don't you think he's right though hyung?" Beomgyu turned to Yeonjun.

"What do you mean?" Yeonjun asked.

"Well why don't you just keep an eye out for other guys I mean you're closing yourself off so much how are you ever gunna get a new boyfriend"

"What if I don't want a new boyfriend. soobin was everything to me" Yeonjun frowned.

"Fuck him Yeonjun don't you get it? He. Left. You. Do you really think he cares?" Beomgyu raged.

Yeonjun put his head down and thought.

"You're right. He did leave me. Why should he care." He looked back at beomgyu.

"But I do"

"Oh jun" beomgyu sympathised and gave his friend a hug.


Soobin sat eating his lunch quietly by a bench in the corner of the school yard.

He came to sit outside today. Although the weather was cold he wanted to feel the cool breeze wash over him.

Soobin took out his sandwich and stared at it for a moment.

"Soobinnie I made you a sandwich since you love bread so much" Yeonjun giggled while passing soobin the food.

"Yeonjun I'm not that obsessed with bread" he laughed back.

"What ever you say bunny" Yeonjun giggled and kissed his lips.

Soobin felt a tear slip from his eye as he touched his lips feeling the longing presence of yeonjuns.

He let go then looked at the sandwich again before throwing it in the trash.

He raised from his seat wiping his tears away before heading back into the school.

He just wanted the memories to go away.

But his love for Yeonjun was just as strong as ever.


Soobin heard a knock on his bedroom door at around 7pm.

His dad entered shortly after with a dvd, a pint of ice cream and two spoons

"I figured ice cream and movies would cheer you up a little" he smiled as he walked over to soobin's tv and placed the dvd in the player.

Soobin sat up in bed leaning against the headboard and made room for his dad to sit down beside him.

His dad then hoped on his bed and popped open the lid off the ice cream.

Soobin then dug his spoon in trying to dig out a piece of frozen goods.

"AHHHH, I can't get it!"  Soobin whined.

"Pass it here" his dad laughed as soobin passed him the pot.

His dad dug and managed to get a reasonably good amount out and then he fed it to soobin.

"See all you need is your big strong appa to do it" he laughed.

And soobin's smiled was so big his dimple popped out.

And his dad had just had to poke it.

"Thanks dad." Soobin said seriously.

"For what kiddo?"

"For everything, letting me stay with you, accepting me, comforting me and taking my mind off things. I wouldn't want to it to be with anyone else"

His dad smiled widely and gave him a hug.

"I'd do anything for my son you know. All I want is for you to be happy"

Soobin nodded his head.

But can he be truly happy without Taehyun, Kai and Yeonjun In his life?

He doesn't want to make new friends.

He wants his old ones.


Hi hi hi.

Still depressed boys atm but I'm sure it will get better soon...right?

Anyways I just published a new yeonbin story If you want to check that out while you wait for the next update here :)

Anyways it's 4am I should sleep 💀

Goodnight x

Until next time ❤️x

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