Sweet talk

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Soobin continuously banged on his front door calling his name excitedly.



"What the fuck are you doin" Yeonjun walked up his drive after arriving home from his trip to the shop.

"Oh- you- where did you"

"I was at the store. now what are you banging on my door and screaming so much for"

Soobin turned to face his boyfriend and hopped up and down excitedly. "Jennie said let's just be friends!!" He stepped closer still hopping up and down "YOU HEAR ME YEONNIE!!! FRIENDS!"

"Yes yes I heard you now stop jumping up and down like a lost rabbit" Yeonjun chuckled.

"I can't help it junnie I'm happy!" Soobin grinned widely and threw himself into yeonjuns arms.

"Me too bunny me too. Come on let's go inside and cuddle" Yeonjun smiled and unwrapped himself from soobin's grip and began unlocking his front door.

"*gasp* can we watch that movie again!!"

"Sure thing bunny" Yeonjun opened the door and they both stepped into his home.


Yeonjun was currently pinned to the school wall with an angry red head in his face. "You mean to tell me you interrupted our night FOR NOTHING!" Taehyun yelled in his face.

"Calm down baby calm down" beomgyu tried to pry taehyun off Yeonjun.

Taehyun let go and sighed. "Don't fucking bother us again got it"

Yeonjun nodded and straightened his clothes out.

Taehyun turned his back and walked away with beomgyu running after him.

Taehyun broke out in a smile. "Pffttt did you see his face" he laughed.

"Totally shit himself" beomgyu and taehyun broke out into laughter as they headed to the cafeteria.


"No way he pinned you to the wall?" Soobin laughed as Yeonjun told him the story of what happened before lunch.

"Ahhh I can't believe this Ahahaha I didn't think taehyun was like that" soobin couldn't control himself as he rolled over Yeonjun bed tears streaming down his face in laughter.

"Stop laughing you little-

Yeonjun smirked and began to tickle his boyfriend who was laughing at his misfortunes.

"Ahh s-stop I-t Yeonjun ahhh" soobin giggled as he tried to escape his boyfriends grasp.

"You think it's funny to laugh at your boyfriend being manhandled by your friend huh? Do you bunny?" Yeonjun carried on tickling him.

"Okay okay I'm s-sorry babe ahhh s-stop I'm sorryyyy"

Yeonjun stopped and smiled. "good boy" and he pecked him on the lips.

Soobin blushed and climbed on his boyfriends lap.

"Look at you a blushing mess someone's got a praise kink" Yeonjun smirked.

"I-I do n-not" soobin put his head down.

"You sure about that bunny?" Yeonjun whispered in his ear.

"S-stop it yeonnie" soobin shyly asked.

"Are you sure you want me to baby boy?" Yeonjun kissed down his boyfriends neck arousing him.

"Junnie what are you doing?" Soobin blushed not meeting his eyes.

Yeonjun flipped them over and climbed on top of soobin pushing him down to lay on the bed.

"Look at me bunny" Yeonjun spoke softly.

Soobin slowly looked into his boyfriends sweet chocolate orbs and then he melted.

"You're so gorgeous bunny" Yeonjun stroked soobin's cheek.

"Stop it" soobin blushed.

"Oh you love it don't pretend you don't" yeonjun chuckled.

Yeonjun leaned down and began kissing soobin again.

Soobin kissed back and eventually the kiss got hungrier.

And soobin felt Yeonjun grow hard against him.

"Yeonjun" he whispered.

"Are you okay?" Yeonjun asked.

Soobin nodded "Yh but what are we doing?"

Yeonjun pulled back and looked him in the eyes. "What do you want to do?"

Soobin blushed.

"Huh? Come baby you gotta use words" Yeonjun began stroking his hair.

"I'm embarrassed Yeonjun" soobin blushed harder.

"Do you want to have sex with me soobin?" Yeonjun said straight forwardly.

Soobin looked away and bit his lip.

"What did I say about the lip bite" Yeonjun smiled.

Soobin stopped and turned back to face him.

"So do you want to?" Yeonjun asked again

Soobin thought for a moment then nodded his head.

"Words baby" Yeonjun teased.

Soobin felt blood rush to his cheeks as he looked his boyfriend in the eyes and wrapped his arm around his neck.



It's 1am🤩

Do I write smut for next chapter?

I'd like to thank you all for reading and commenting on any of my story's love you all :)

Until next time ❤️x

I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now