Secrets lead to jealousy

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During the next few weeks Yeonjun and soobin acted like normal students in school, they spoke in class, they eat lunch without each other, they didn't notice each other much according to other students.

But after school, soobin would be round at yeonjuns, they would be making out, watching movies, eating together, cuddling. You know all the things couples do together.

And at the moment they were happy.
Really happy.

They didn't mind keeping this a secret. It seemed easy enough.

They didn't need everyone to know they had a relationship because they were happy with just each other knowing. Also it stopped others from asking questions.

Except Kai and taehyun of course. Soobin hadn't told them they started dating. So they were curious as to what the frick happened.

As for Yeonjun's friends they all didn't care anymore. They moved on from it a long time ago. Even beomgyu figured he'd given up on soobin so he let it go. Which Yeonjun was thankful for because this way he didn't have to lie to his closest friend.


Yeonjun headed into school just like any other day. He hopped off the bus, slung his bag over his shoulder and changed soobin's contact name, they both do this just in case they happen to text each other and someone sees, this part has always been a struggle for Yeonjun.

He slide his phone in his pocket and walked into the school.

He walked over to the library unnoticed. He found a chair and sat down taking his phone out from his pocket. He raised his head up and smiled at the person looking directly at him while blushing. They took their phone from their pocket and placed it behind one of their book they had their head in.


You look hot when you sneak around

Soobin read the text then looked up at his boyfriend who was sitting across the room.


Don't flatter me you're making me blush🥰

You look handsome today just as always.

Yeonjun smiled at the text and was about to reply when he head a voice from across the room. The library had been extremely quiet so it was obvious to hear.

"What are you all happy about soobinnie?"

Yeonjun looked up cringing at the nickname released from someone's lips that weren't his.

"Oh hi Jennie, um nothing just something I saw on Twitter" soobin quickly made up a lie.

"Well good wanted to make sure it wasn't some other girl making you smile" she fake laughed.

"Of course not but why would that matter?" Soobin asked curiously.

"Well soobinnie, I was wondering if you wanted to go catch a movie sometime" she smiled.

Yeonjun was about to hop up to his feet to interfere when he realised he couldn't. Soobin and him weren't out to people. She didn't know he had a boyfriend. And Yeonjun wasn't about to out soobin. So he sat back down and watched.


"Oh come on soobin you never hang out with anyone but your friends do you fancy them or something?" She raised her brow.

"What pfft of course I don' fine. I'll go out with you"

She clapped her hands and wrapped herself around soobin. "oh thankyou thankyou thankyou!! Oh I can't wait to tell all those jealous bitches. Bye Binnie I'll see you Saturday" and with that she ran off.

Soobin sighed then looked up at Yeonjun who was already staring at him.


I'm sorry...


"I- I was going to say n-no b-but then s-she b-basically t-tried t-to h-hint I-I was g-gay s-so I p-panicked and said yes I'm sorry!" Soobin blabbed out as soon as Yeonjun opened his front door.

Yeonjun just grabbed him and pulled him into an embrace. "Hey shh it's okay i know I was there it's okay honestly"

"R-really?" Soobin pulled away tears streaming down his face.

Yeonjun nodded and wiped away his tears with his finger.

"Don't go crying on me you're going to make me cry" Yeonjun smiled making soobin chuckle a bit.

"I- I promise i w-won't kiss h-her or hold her hand or anything"

"I know you won't you big silly you don't have to tell me" and Yeonjun pulled him back into another hug.


Hello I'm back I was busy yesterday so I didn't update sorry :(

Next up its date time for soobin...

Until next time ❤️x

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