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One month ago~

Soobin spent the past month thinking and thinking.

He ignored and didn't listen to his friends when they hung out.

Yeonjun constantly told him to try his best with them and to stop overthinking because Yeonjun was happy no matter what.

Currently soobin was laying down with his head hanging off the bed while Yeonjun stare at him from his position resting on the headboard.

"Soobinnnnnn I'm boreddddd" Yeonjun whined.

Soobin didn't respond so Yeonjun kicked him lightly.


"Whatttt" he whined back.

"Entertain meee"

"Why don't you go hang out with beomgyu" soobin boredly responded while typing on his phone.

Yeonjun sat up. "Well I don't want to hang out with him"

"Why not" soobin still didn't look up.

So Yeonjun traveled down the bed and laid his head on his stomach.

"Because I wanna hang with my boyfriend who I love so very much"

Soobin raised his head and smiled.


"Hey what did I say about calling me a sap"

"Well it's true" soobin teased.

Yeonjun gasped and turned over onto his stomach.

"Say it again I dare you" Yeonjun smirked.

Soobin tested his luck and... "sap" he giggled.

"That's it" Yeonjun began tickling his side until soobin was a giggling mess begging him to stop.


Sitting down with his friends at school soobin shocked them with his sudden good mood.

"What up my favourite boys"

Exchanging looks Kai and taehyun thought he'd finally gone mad.

"Umm soobin are you okay?" Kai asked.

"What of course why wouldn't I be" soobin smiled.

"Okay cut the bull you're trying way too hard here what's going on?" Taehyun plainly asked.

"I- what" Soobin's eyes widened.

"Well you've had your head up your ass for the past month so..." taehyun continued.

"Anygays. How's Yeonjun" Kai smiled.

And taehyun smacked him. "Moron"

"What I- ohh"

"Fine hes fine why wouldn't he be fine" soobin was still smiling.

"Yh this is getting creepy now..."

Soobin got up to go buy some lunch and he over heard people talking.

He didn't know who it was but he heard yeonjuns name so he had to keep on listening.

"Dude he's barely spoke to you" one of them laughed.

"I don't care man he's so hot and imagine if I got with him I'd get my crush after a year of liking him!"

"Well good luck with that Yeonjun hasn't dated someone for almost 2 years"

"I'm sure he will say yes! Well I hope so"

I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now