Moving on or not?

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7 months after sooobin left~

A month had past since Yeonjun met his mystery boy.

He arrived at school the next day early hoping he could catch a glimpse of him again.

They spoke for a while and now they are great friends.

Yeonjun explained to him about soobin.

And in return the boy replied "what a dick"

And Yeonjun had to agree.

Oh and about his name...

Yeonjun still didn't know.

But he didn't mind anymore it became a fun little game they had.

They would go by nicknames.

Yeonjun was fox

And he was deer.

Yeonjun felt so much more happy now he had deer in his life.

He didn't think about soobin as much anymore.

And he could finally speak to his friends again.

He even went out shopping with taehyun and Kai without being dragged out of bed.

He walked with his newly found friend to the cafeteria.

And they sat down with beomgyu, Felix, Hyunjin, hueningkai and taehyun.

He was laughing and smiling all day.

"Hey Yeonjun I'm glad you found this guy. He makes you so much happier now" beomgyu smiled.

"Pfft yeh you should have seen him before he was all oooo soobin oooo come back. It was so depressing" Felix teased.

"Oh shut it lix" Yeonjun rolled his eyes.

"Well I'm glad I can be of help. I'm happy I met Yeonjun too" he smiled warmly.

"Ew feelings" Kai put in finger down his throat to indicated throwing up.


Soobin was once again with his new 'friend'

They had spent quite a while together and soobin's dad was happy he'd finally made a friend and didn't have to bug him all the time.

Even though he loved the attention his son was giving him.

Soobin and his friend were relaxing at a beautiful quiet coffee shop near their school.

The main conversations they had were about Yeonjun or about his ex.

Seems neither of them were fully over them.

"You know on our first date he took me here
After ice skating he was a natural and I was just all over the place falling every which way" he chuckled while thinking back to the memories of his past lover.

"Me and Yeonjun never really went on a date" soobin looked saddened.

"Woah really! That's okay some people don't need dates" he encouraged.

"Would have been nice to go on one though"

"Hey now maybe when you go back you can take him out on one" he smiled.

I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now