Yeonjun's house

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Over the next few week soobin and Yeonjun had been meeting at the park to study.

Sometimes it was super productive.

Other times they would slack off and mess around.

They got closer and I guess you could call them friends. They didn't hang out In school unless they sat together in class.


"Hey soobin are you cold?" Yeonjun asked as they sat on their usual park bench in which Yeonjun carved his name into so no one else would sit there again after he told two girls to piss off last week.

Soobin nodded slightly. "A little but I'm okay"

"Here take my coat" Yeonjun started to take it off.

Soobin grabbed his arm. "No no it's fine you'll be cold then"

"Nah it's cool I'd rather you be warm than me" he continued to take it off.

"Yeonjun it's okay really" soobin insisted.

"Hmm okay then but next week we're meeting at my place I'm not having you freeze to death okay"

"W-what?" Soobin's eyes widened.

"What? Was that too pushy? Sorry is it okay if we study at my house next week? I don't want you getting sick" Yeonjun rephrased.

"I-um-okay" soobin stuttered out.

"Okay good." Yeonjun smiled.

Yeonjun started to pack up.

"I'll text you my address" he smiled,waved and walked home.

Leaving a stunned soobin behind.

"H-h-his h-house"


It was now Monday and soobin had to go to yeonjuns house on Wednesday. So why he was freaking out two days before

well that's what Kai and taehyun wanted to know.

"Soobinnie why are you freaking out?" Kai asked.

"Because he wants to me go to his house! HIS HOUSE! I'm not ready for this shit- oh god oh god" soobin rushed out. "Wait....did you just drop honorifics?"

Kai slowly looked at soobin then ran and hid behind taehyun.

"IM SORRY HYUNG IM SORRY FORGIVE ME!!" Kai shouted as his well known dolphin scream was released from his lips.

"SOOBIN STOP ATTACKING KAI" the boys head soobin's mum call from downstairs.

"H-how did she know it was me?" Kai wondered.

"Kai you have the most specific scream ever everyone knows when it's you" taehyun answered.

"I- hmph"

"ANYWAYS! help me" soobin collapsed on his bed.

"Ugh stop being such a drama queen hyung it's onyl Yeonjun you've been with him for the past 4 weeks" taehyun rolled his eyes.

I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now